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Date Posted: 23:53:33 09/26/02 Thu
Author: mod
Subject: Does this make sense? (REPOST)

Thought this deserved its own thread.....

What a way to initiate kindergarten parents on track 3!!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the school year.....

Mrs. Dillashaw's pm kindergarten class was dissolved this week. Starting Friday (tomorrow), kids who were in her class are joining other classes on different tracks. There will be no track 3 kindergarten and there will be no Mrs. Dillashaw. There were almost 25 students in that class who have now been moved to other tracks. Did parents get a choice in what track they wanted to be moved to? Siblings were moved without conferring with parents. People have vacation plans, daycare worked out and NOW THIS. Parents of the other kindergarten classes must be thrilled that their 23+ class will be getting about 5 or 6 new students tomorrow, too. 30 isn't too large for a kindergarten, is it? We don't have to read at grade level until third grade in public schools, so what difference should 30 students in a classroom make?

What may interest some of those kindergarten parents (who were unceremoniously bumped from their class) is that while we can't retain a kindergarten teacher for 23+ students, we CAN have a pre-K program with about a 4-1 teacher/student ratio. This is a full day program (previous years it was half day) and you may even notice a teacher's aide with that class too. We can't afford a regular K teacher but we can afford to run a pre-K program which takes up one full classroom and one full time teacher. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE?

Welcome to the world of Beatty under this administration. Hopefully this year, parents will band together and get these issues out in the open. You are not alone, nor are these problems singular in nature.

Don't let the administration divide the parents and pretend that problems don't exist. It's only September. Wait and see what other wonders are in store for you. Visit the website via the link on the top of this website. Tell other parents about this forum where we can discuss issues that the administration would like to avoid. We must take back our school!

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