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Date Posted: 21:43:39 04/30/02 Tue
Author: John R. Beatty PTA VP
Subject: Re: I did call the VP
In reply to: T 's message, "I did call the VP" on 23:06:40 04/29/02 Mon

Sorry, but you didn't speak with me regarding the items that were recently sent home.

This situation would be one of the problems that arises out of posting information. It is kind of like the "Whisper Something in Someone's Ear Game" where the message at the end isn't anything like the one that began. I will try to address the situation though.

The items that recently went home with each child, also came with a price list. If you decided they would be of value to your child, you would reference the price list and determine how much you should pay. Or, you would decide not to purchase the items and send them back to the school. This was not a fundraiser. I believe there was a misunderstanding as to some people not "having" to pay for the items. There isn't anyone that was authorized or told the items were free. However, due the nature of people, there are lots of times where people do not return things, even though they don't pay. Some people would call this stealing. Sometimes, I think people misunderstand, or get caught up in their daily lives and just don't realize. I would hope that there wouldn't be anyone that would purposely decide not to pay, just because they know that someone would likely not come after them for the money. A wise person once said that a person's integrity truly shines, in what they do or what they are like when no one is watching. I guess it is the honor system.

I hope that this makes sense and doesn't just add to the Whisper in the Ear Game.

Also, after this sign on, I will no longer be signing on to this site, as I do not have the time to do so. I would be happy, however to call back anyone, who takes the time to call in to the school with specific questions for myself or PTA in general. I do think that communication is a great thing, and I hope that positive things come out of this site.

Thank you for your time.

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