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Re: y pple dont wear contact lenses? -- linch, Wed, Jul 21 2004, 9:34:08
I've recently consulted my optometrist (Phang) on the same subject matter. Her replies definitely made alot more sense and I thought I should share it with the rest. I wear semi-hard lenses (and she knows that) so the second para. could be specific to my case.
"The contact lenses should not be in direct contact with sea or chlorine water as they tend to get dehydrated and may stick hard onto your eyes. They may also get warped from its original form and cause redness to the eyes when wearing them.
It would be necessary to keep the goggles ( or diving mask )on while swimming. For those dives without eye gear, keep lenses that's about to be discarded for that purpose. Remember to rinse the eyes with the solution ( saline or multipurpose solution or those uni-dose solution ) before removing the lenses after those dives."
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