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Date Posted: Tue, Apr 19 2005, 3:08:47
Author: Alex Kang
Subject: Re: Boat Transfer from Mainland to Redang (first timer)
In reply to: Julian 's message, "Boat Transfer from Mainland to Redang (first timer)" on Sun, Apr 17 2005, 21:34:49

If you are staying at Berjaya, I believe there is an afternoon ferry at 3pm leaving from Shahbandar jetty in KT - but then you'll take at least half an hour to reach KT from the airport including baggage collection, checkout etc. so that would be cutting it very close - the ferry requires visitors to be at the jetty at least 30-45 min before departure. Check with Berjaya.

If you are staying at other resorts, their speedboats depart from Merang (about 30-40 min away from KT airport) and as far as I know, most of the afternoon boats depart between 12noon to 1:15pm. Laguna may have a 3pm departure but again you won't make it to Merang on time for that. Best is to check with the resort you are staying at.

You can find out some boat schedules from www.redang.org/transport.htm.

Redang Island Rendezvous

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[> [> Re: Boat Transfer from Mainland to Redang (first timer) -- julian, Thu, Apr 21 2005, 20:12:59

thanks alex. we decided that it would be better to fly in the morning and catch the 9am ferry.


ps- thanks for a fabulous website

>If you are staying at Berjaya, I believe there is an
>afternoon ferry at 3pm leaving from Shahbandar jetty
>in KT - but then you'll take at least half an hour to
>reach KT from the airport including baggage
>collection, checkout etc. so that would be cutting it
>very close - the ferry requires visitors to be at the
>jetty at least 30-45 min before departure. Check with
>If you are staying at other resorts, their speedboats
>depart from Merang (about 30-40 min away from KT
>airport) and as far as I know, most of the afternoon
>boats depart between 12noon to 1:15pm. Laguna may
>have a 3pm departure but again you won't make it to
>Merang on time for that. Best is to check with the
>resort you are staying at.
>You can find out some boat schedules from
>Redang Island Rendezvous

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