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Date Posted: Fri, Jul 01 2005, 4:29:08
Author: tango
Subject: Re: Fastest Route from Sin to KT
In reply to: Vincent 's message, "Fastest Route from Sin to KT" on Fri, Jul 01 2005, 1:15:04

Most definitely, we drove in 2002 and took North South Highway and turn off at Yong Peng... it will be faster than taking the winding Kota Tinggi route though that route offers better view. The Yong Peng, Segamat and then Kuantan Pass is much faster. Refer to Alex Kang's website (www.redang.org) report on taking highway 14 which is even faster, shave off at least 2 to 3 hours. The route I took by self-drive in 2002 is highway 3 which our chartered van driver also took this June. I mentioned to him about highway 14 but he does not think it is any faster, may be because of the toll(???) on highway 14.

Faster way (short way) is by the N-S highway, Yong Peng, Segamat and Kuantan Pass to highway 3 or highway 14. Have a safe and enjoyable drive. A third time, I salute you. After the chartered van trip, which is my second, I long for a shorter way there, may be I'll try highway 14 or fly direct to Redang or Kuantan, then another 3 hour drive to K.T. ...

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[> [> Re: Fastest Route from Sin to KT -- Alex Kang, Sat, Jul 02 2005, 13:56:26

As Tango already mentioned, the NS Highway route, exit Yong Peng to Segamat and Kuantan will be faster than taking the Kota Tinggi-Mersing-Kuantan route. From Kuantan, you have a choice of going by the coastal route (highway 3) or the inland route (highway 14) to KT & Merang.

There might be a possible 3rd route which is to briefly get on the ECE (East Coast Expressway) to Kuantan but I have not tried this and so cannot comment - as you near Kuantan from the long straight Segamat route, you'll normally have to turn right at a T-junction in the past to get into Kuantan. This T-junction is no longer a T as a new road has been opened which leads to the highway. I've not spoken to anyone who has tried this, so not quite sure where to exit or how much time/distance you'll save.

Between highways 14 & 3, any time savings you make will depend on traffic conditions. Many overnight coaches will take highway 3 to KT and they go quite fast as there is little traffic then so it might end up about the same. Usually in the day, traffic is heavier on highway 3 due to many towns along it. Highway 14 by comparison has much lighter traffic. Bear in mind these are typical trunk roads where you'll have to overtake against oncoming traffic so you can get slowed down a lot just following some big truck or tanker if there's a lot of oncoming traffic.

Hope this helps.
Redang Island Rendezvous

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