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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 03 2005, 13:40:34
Author: Aarinne
Subject: To Tango
In reply to: tango 's message, "Re: Redang Holiday or Coral Redang Island Resort?" on Sat, Jun 25 2005, 20:42:34

May I checked whether did you stay in the rooms or the semi-d at CRIR?
Are the semi-d facing the garden as well?
Beachfronts only for bungalows?

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[> [> [> To Aarinne -- tango, Sun, Aug 07 2005, 3:28:51

We stayed in the semi-Ds at CRIR. The first time, we were facing the garden near the pool and closest to the dinning area. The second time we were facing the pool and closest to the bar.

I looking at my records (photos) and there should be one semi-D and a few bungalows facing the sea, diagonally though. I most certainly would have liked to stay in one of these even though it was not directly facing the sea. From the bedroom windows and porch, one could easily see the sea. My pictures were not detail enough to say what room numbers there were, I can barely make it out as room no. 20 something.

This semi-D is the closest chalet structure to Pelangi Beach resort and it is the furthest away from the reception area, dining, pool and bar. But only 40 metres! The porch and door should be facing north by north-east, so you should be able to catch a view of the beach and sea.

Opposite this particular semi-D are two single bungalow chalets that facing the sea south by south-east, the closer one to the beach have the bead room windows facing directly to the sea and both porch areas is facing toward Tanjung Tengah, nice view of beach and partial view of the sea with the rock-structure in the background.

Now, the interesting thing is this: this particular semi-D has two units, the unit facing the beach will have the bed room windows facing the sea, south by south-east direction. Just like the bungalows. The minus side is that it is closest to Pelangi and if they were running their disco loud, one could probably hear them.

Hope you can get the your ideal room. Enjoy your stay. Regards.

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[> [> [> [> Re: To Aarinne -- Aarinne, Wed, Aug 10 2005, 23:03:03

Thanks tango!
We stayed at the semi-d unit near the dining area too.
Redang island is really nice, clear blue beach and white powdery sand.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Food at Coral Redang Island Resort -- Aarinne, Fri, Aug 12 2005, 15:19:22

Is nice!~
They have salads, spagetti and those malay style dishes...Different each day, good variety IMO.

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[> [> [> [> To Aarinne: You're back! -- tango, Fri, Aug 12 2005, 6:40:26

Oh, sorry my post did not get to you before your trip.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed the stay. The two pictures were great and that's exactly what we saw too. Waters is so blue when the sun is shinning bright!

How was the food though in your opinion? In 2002, we liked it alot, a mix of western and local dishes.

Regards :)

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