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Rainbows & Butterflies presents...
Enter our pageant for FREE. Visit website to find out how
Queen/King Princess/Prince every age division
Photogenic Natural & Glitz
Several side awards. Beautiful Patriotic Crowns
No one leaves empty handed!
Awarding Supremes, Mini-Supremes and one Grand Supreme
Enter our pageant for FREE. Visit website to find out how
Awarding in every age division Age Division Supreme, Age Division Mini
Supreme, Queen and Princess
Boys divisions too
Awarding Grand Supreme, Supremes, Mini Supremes
Every contestant will leave with a gift pack valued at over $200
Awarding Savings Bonds, Huge Crowns, Trophies from 2ft to 7ft, Diamond
Pendants, Custom totes & Jackets, Custom Sashes, Crowning Robes, and more!!
Each age division will have 10 side awards!
over 150 trophies and 85 crowns will be awarded!! (with 50 contestants)
This will be the Pageant event of the year in Kentucky!
Awarding 6 Overalls, Christmas Goodwill Angel, Fairytale Christmas
Ambassador, My Buddy & Me, and there's more!!!
To find out how to enter for FREE visit