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Date Posted: 21:35:31 04/30/02 Tue
Author: Mark
Subject: Still stroking!

Hi Daniel! Great to see you again. Glad the site is still going strong. Good idea saving the old board - lot of good conversations over there. Guess I was having a "Wellman jones" and remembered to come visit. I agree with you about those pop-up ads - annoying. I think I see a couple of new additions to the Bestiary, although the pics aren't enlargeable anymore and I can't quite tell. I'm going to try and order the Betancourt CD as well. I really wanted his Borderlands CD, but it's been halted in production for years now and looks like it's not happening. Was re-reading some Clark Ashton Smith recently and thought that one good American fantasist deserves another and am about to re-read the Silver John books. Wish there was more fantasy/horror with an American folk backdrop. I'm tired of European settings. I enjoyed Scott Card's Prentice Alvin series, but that's about the only one I can think of written in recent times. Anyway, it was good rummaging around the site. Since it was one of the first I ever came to back in my early days of net surfing, it felt like coming home. ;)

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