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Date Posted: 22:15:44 01/24/04 Sat
Author: Irsih boy
Author Host/IP: atlwebproxy2.core.hp.com /
Subject: Ultimate Warrior interview

Some of may have seen this, so for those who didnt...
Ultimate Warrior interview:

GameInformer: What's the Warrior been up to lately?

Ultimate Warrior: Largely what I do is I go out and I speak at schools - colleges, elementary schools. I motivate young kids about reading. I talk about politics and government on college campuses. I try to motivate people to reach their potential. And, I've been working on a book. My book will be about the deeper stuff that comes with the experiences I've had.

GI: Who are you looking forward to wrestling in the game?

UW: First and foremost is Bret Hart. He's made some derogatory comments about the legitimacy of my career. He's the one that I would like to have a confrontation with at first. And Sting, because we came up together. I think Ultimate Warrior would very easily kick his ass in the game. And of course, there are guys in the game I want to wrestle because it was always great, like Randy Savage. If there was anybody in the WWF that rose to a similar level of intensity as the Ultimate Warrior, it was Randy. The guy was incredible. I'm interested to see how I will match up against him and some of those other guys.

GI: Who would win in a fight between Junkyard Dog and Snoop Dogg?

UW: Junkyard Dog didn't have a whole army of bodyguards following him around, so you have to take that into account.

GI: Ultimate Warrior versus Ultimate Electronics?

UW: Like the store [itself]? That'd be more that a battle royale, wouldn't it? It would be one hell of a handicap match. Now, if you're talking about the employees of Ultimate Electronics, then I think I could hold my ground there, because you know who those guys are. Weaselly, slimy little salespeople who don't give you any breathing space. I think I could handle them.

You can read the whole thing at http://www.rajahwwf.com/wwf/headlines/7315.shtml

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