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Date Posted: 18:41:34 01/31/04 Sat
Author: Scrapiron Bryan
Author Host/IP: pg4px.pg.com /
Subject: Re: Wrestler's Careers Ruined by WWE
In reply to: B 's message, "Re: Wrestler's Careers Ruined by WWE" on 15:47:25 01/31/04 Sat

"Billy Gunn aka Billy Kidman"

First off these are two different people. I don't think either man has charisma enough to get over. True they are both solid performers but if they can't get the fans behind them they are not going to rise to the top.

I did like Kane when he originally came into the WWF. And I feared the worst when they took away his mask. But I think his direction since then has been great and I'm looking forward to his match with 'Taker whenever it happens.

I think WWE are doing a better job now than they have in the past few years to bring along new talent. Lesnar, Cena, Orton and Batista have emerged as the men who will carry the company into the next era. Also Benoit is finally getting the kind of recognition he deserves for his tireless work in the ring. Don't be too surprised to see him walk from WMXX with the strap around his waist.

WWE do screw up royally from time to time with their talent. But at the moment I feel they are moving in the right direction for the first time in years.


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