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Date Posted: 13:05:18 02/01/04 Sun
Author: Scrapiron Bryan
Author Host/IP: pg4px.pg.com /
Subject: Re: WWE Ruining wrestlers
In reply to: TheWarrior97 's message, "WRONG" on 05:00:29 02/01/04 Sun

Undertaker vs Kane will happen. 'Taker is very much old school in his approach to his work. He began wrestling in the "if you can walk you can wrestle" era. Where guys got in the ring night after night no matter how beat up they were from the previous night. Proof of this is his match with Mankind at King of the Ring '98. 'Taker worked that entire match with a sprained ankle. Pretty amazing considering some of the things he did during the match.
For that reason I believe at least one match, if not a series, vs Kane will happen.

As for HHH I can't say I've ever been a huge fan of his. Some of the stuff he's done over the years has been entertaining but more of it has been rubbish... cough... Katie Vick... cough. I agree that he was a better worker afew years ago and that his quadricep injury is the main reason he slowed down. He's just never been the same since he returned from that.
It probably is time for HHH to step aside at least temporarily until he's considered fresh again. HHH belongs to a golden age in WWF. He was a main player in the Attitude era. But with Austin more or less finished in the ring that era is truly at an end. It's time to usher in a new one and WWE are moving in the right direction by pushing the likes of Lesnar, Benoit, Cena and Orton etc.


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