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Date Posted: 22:45:08 02/09/04 Mon
Author: Scrapiron Bryan
Author Host/IP: 159-134-166-241.as1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net /
Subject: Re: New Warrior fans site(for all Warrior fans!!)
In reply to: "Warrior" 's message, "Re: New Warrior fans site(for all Warrior fans!!)" on 09:37:59 02/09/04 Mon

Well, well, well... excuse me, but I've forgotten nothing. There was of course a warriormania before there was a Warrior Central. In fact, one of the many contributing factors in me building Warrior Central is that warriormania, which up until that time was one of the better Warrior tribute sites out there, had begun to look a bit shabby.

It doesn't matter who had a website first. It doesn't matter if there were a thousand Warrior fansites predating both of ours and another thousand created afterwards. Quite frankly, the whole "I had mine first" thing is childish and a waste of time. So let's not go there.

Honestly, I couldn't be happier that warriormania is alive and kicking again. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the more Warrior fan sites there are out there the better! Hell, if I was pissed off that there are other Warrior sites out there why would Warrior Central have a links page?

The point of my reply to your original post is that much of the content on the new and improved warriormania was obviously copied from Warrior Central and then translated. Alot of work went into researching that information and a little credit via a link back to Warrior Central would have been a nice gesture. Here on Warrior Central I give credit where I can for my articles and information. It just seems like the right thing to do.


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