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Date Posted: 21:58:00 03/09/04 Tue
Author: WarriorGOSPEL
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-af02.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Re: New Warrior Post!
In reply to: Canoro 's message, "Re: New Warrior Post!" on 05:08:15 03/09/04 Tue

1.No one is saying AIDS is affecting ONLY the homosexual community. We all know it's something that anyone can contract but it primarily affects GAY MEN & the homosexual lifestyle in general. You also increase your chances of contracting it by living a promiscous hetereosexual 'magic johnson' type lifestyle. But let's face it AIDS, HIV is something that hits hardest in the gay world. There is a reason for this. Can't be denied. Because I believe it's wrong just like Warrior believes and HE puts it out in such a way that makes PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE. Now if someone knows without a shadow of doubt there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and is healthy ,and normal like the sun rising then people wouldnt have much issue with what WARRIOR STATES and either ignore him thinking he's just another crazy talker or they would be able to explain conclusively why WARRIOR is not right.

2.He is right & that is what bugs people so those people try to make a character assasination and say He is too single-minded, not open minded, not politically correct, is P/C, is just giving his own personal viewpoint and therefore irrelevant to anyone who reads it and therefore it's just his 'wrong' or 'right' beliefs, etc, etc, etc. GET THE PICTURE?? WARRIOR IS TRYING TO CLEARLY DEFINE WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG by using objective thinking and logic , and evidence for those who are not so sure what to think. And by doing this He is influencing people in a positive manner and standing up for WHAT HE BELIEVES IS RIGHT. THE FACT IS I SEE THAT WARRIOR 'IS PREPARD'TO FACE PEOPLE THAT DONT BELIEVE WHAT HE DOES. VERY PREPARED. WARRIOR KNOWS NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO SEEK THE TRUE AND MORAL WAY IN LIFE SO I DONT THINK HE'S ANGRY ABOUT THIS. Besides I've heard He is a genuinely nice and friendly guy in person,not a guy with a constant chip on his shoulder. I JUST SEE THAT WHEN SOMETHING IMPORTANT SUCH AS THE 'QUEER ISSUE' come up He makes his Case & He does it very Well.

p.s. comparing Someone murdering your family to someone practicing a queer lifestyle from a distance to yourself is not a good comparison at all. The Warrior said what he means, p/c has nothing to do with it. HE has nothing against those people as humans, as individuals, He is just very against the sexual perversion which they practice and disagrees with it totally. Afterall He doesnt know all those people personally , so you cant really hate them. BUT YOU CANT HATE HOMOSEXUALITY, if you believe it's one of society's true Illnesses- God is it ever.

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