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Date Posted: 19:14:31 03/14/04 Sun
Author: MiamiWarrior
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-af02.proxy.aol.com /

I just thought it would be cool for Warriors Here to share their WrestleMania VI or other WMania memories. I didnt get to see Warrior vs Hulk Live on ppv back in 1990. But being 12 yrs old or so it was something I will never forget. The whole build up to it-The Ultimate Challenge. I had to read about the results of it the next day in the local Sports Section. That's right , they actually used to cover Pro Wrestling in the sports section here. They did away with that once the attitude era took over. What I remember is that HulkaMania was an unbeatable force and I had never seen him ever lose a match fair and legally, especially at WrestleMania and I pretty much thought there was no way He would be beat because Hulk Hogan was the King and no one , not even Warrior could overcome Him. Well I remember reading the small paragraph of the result in the sports page and the SHOCK i felt to my young boy's mind. I was still a pretty big Hulkamaniac then, like most fans. I would soon become a huge Warrior fan. I remember reading about how all the little Hulkamaniacs were crying. I actually felt bad for them because basically like me they probably had never seen him really get beat. HulkaMania was undefeated. It's amazing now to see that would be Warrior's only Title Reign. But Let's not forget this one fact-Ultimate Warrior is the only man to ever Be WWF Intercontinental Champion and World Champion at the same time. And last night on wwe Confidential They inexplicably review this match again. ( 2 WWF legends that will not be at WM XX). WHAT?? The whole program was about The current WM XX wrestler's and events and then they throw in that ULTIMATE WARRIOR memory??? Seemed very out of Place. Oh well glad they did, not to mention that match was #9 on the all time WM countdown. I personally think it should be #3 or so. Long Live Warrior....

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