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Date Posted: 18:22:12 03/16/04 Tue
Author: Pete
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Ultimate Greatness

Hey Pete here, I'm new to this website, and I just wanted to say that it's great to see that there are still so many Warrior fans out there. I too was hoping for Warrior to return, even though it seems to me that UW has moved on with his life and I wish him well. All the power to him. Sometimes in life it seems great things don't last long enough.

The Ultimate Warrior reminds me of my childhood, as I'm sure he does for many others. Being 28 years old now, I remember Wrestlemania 6 like it was yesterday. Even though it was only sports entertainment, Warrior made us believe that anything was possible on that night.

Warrior created somthing positive in his career, and he never let anyone degrade his message, even though it ment stepping away form the stage upon which he shined so bright. UW came from out of nowhere, like a literal explosion and beat the then unbeatable, now joke Hulk Hogan and that only warrents 9th place in the greatest matches of all time?????? Hogan was the industry at that time and Warrior took him, and Hulkamania down for the three count. Hogan never truly recovered no matter what others might say. No one can ever take that away from UW. Warrior never sold out like Hogan did changing himself and is legacy for the all mighty dollar.

Saying that the Ultimate Challenge was only the 9th best match ever is very weak. It's Vince's way of trying to cover up and erase the greatest force to ever hit the WWE or WWF, whatever he calls it these days. Wrestling these day in my opinion, really s*x, it's sad, it's pathetic. I haven't watched it since UW left WCW. Warrior is too good for it.

The Warrior stood for something, and still stand for those very same principles to this day. We will all miss hearing the music blast on and UW charging the ring and shaking the ropes. We will miss UW raising his arms to the heavens in victory. We will miss the exitment, the intensity, and feeling the power he set loose on the world, the arena, and his fans on the nights he raged in the ring.

We need to learn form what the Warrior did and what he stood for. Without challenges in life we are nothing, without principles we are weak minded. Thanks for the positive message, and the great memories Ultimate Warrior, I read you loud and clear.

Stay Wild Alway


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