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Date Posted: 02:33:42 09/04/06 Mon
Author: batista
Author Host/IP: adsl-220-12-44.sav.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Re: The best wrestler in history... EVER!!!
In reply to: Canoro 's message, "The best wrestler in history... EVER!!!" on 07:04:00 02/03/04 Tue

>No one has ever fougth a match like The Ultimate
>Warrior, unstoppable, feared, he went to no other
>wrestlers have gone before, no one has figthed with
>that fury, crazyness and from apprently nowhere energy
>(that he actually got from gods of unknown places) no
>one was as naturally feared like The Ultimate Warrior,
>the fear was visible in Hulk Hogan's eyes, the
>insecurity... and at the same time the magnifisence of
>what a warrior is, is giving yourself, do we find that
>in Undertaker with his serious character? or in Stone
>Cold Steve Austin? how about Andre The Giant? Coco
>BeWare? Macho Man Randy Savage was a great wrestler,
>secure of his skills but they weren't not enough. The
>Ultimate Warrior is to wrestling like Michael Jordan
>is to basketball. if you don't know who Micheal Jordan
>is, he's the gratest player basketball has ever seen.
>(apply this to The Ultimate Warrior)

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  • Re: The best wrestler in history... EVER!!! -- Gavin taylor (the animal), 02:52:10 09/04/06 Mon

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