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Date Posted: 22:03:39 07/17/02 Wed
Author: Asmodeus
Subject: xx. i am dominance .xx
In reply to: \-Doubt-/ 's message, "\-Silence-/" on 20:57:35 07/17/02 Wed

xx. a flicker of emmotion briefly subdues his actions, though Corbeau's question with go unanswered for a little longer. Somewhat hoarse chords quake beneath deepthly basotones. "First, Corbeau, I must inform you that your 'air' of arrogance toward the equus race, my race, will land you in much strife here. There are but a trio of your kind now, we all respect Vispera, she has been with us a long time." He regards them both solemly, almost sadly, "and you are, by far, out numbered."
A brisk movement of his deranged midnight crownage changes the subject as easily as the wind. Dark tones carrying on without pausing to recollect his thoughts, or their attention. "Subtle Talent, the former Grand Lady sent me a long time ago." For a moment his poll appears to incline, "but alas you took to long, she has moved on." Eyebrow region pitches skyward, "you take your time..." his steady watch moves toward the other, almost stricken - but not quite - by her new appearance. "You have changed much..." own thoughts remain concealed within his finely sculpted skull. "Welcome to Parting of the Ways." .xx

xx. don't be insulted .xx
xx. you caniving wench .xx
xx. don't become opposed .xx
xx. to this driving force .xx

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