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Date Posted: 03:28:30 11/24/04 Wed
Author: Krista/ Holly
Subject: She watched her youngest leave the room silently, closing her eyes a touch as the door slammed shut. She glanced to Seb with a sigh and then back to Raine, offering a slight, unsure smile.Headphones covered her ears as she dropped heavily into the bed, her brow furrowed as she willed back the tears that threatened... she knew this wasn't about the fact the baby was being born... she felt almost... jealous, failed.
In reply to: Seb/Raine 's message, "He was standing next to his wife, his arm hooked low on her back, his hand winding around her waist to rest on her stomach as he watched his daughters and slowly, their reactions that came with this news - hopefully good ones..Her first thought was of how gross it was to think of her parents together like that .. But then she rationalised and took the mature approach, her brows risen in surprise, glancing over the two "But youse are like ... old .." So, not exactly the mature appraoch she'd been counting on, but it was the first thing to come out of her mouth." on 02:34:22 11/24/04 Wed

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  • Of course, they weren't having this child to replace her or because the children they had now wweren't good enough. This child hadn't been planned, but would be loved all the same. His frown remained and he sighed, mumbling to Krista "She's always got to make everything so damn difficult.." (NT) -- Seb, 03:32:27 11/24/04 Wed
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