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Date Posted: 03:02:39 09/06/05 Tue
Author: Adam
Subject: "Always.."He smirked back at her, taking the baby willingly into his arms, a slow smile creeping over his face as he followed his cousin to sit on the edge of the bed, rocking gently with the small baby in his arms - he really shouldn't be around her with the stench of cigarettes or alcohol on him, but he wasn't over the limit and he knew it didn't matter so much. He'd only had one drink - it had been Kendall who was tripping over herself.
In reply to: Holly 's message, "Its not always rainbows and butterflies...." on 02:35:41 09/06/05 Tue

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  • She smirked and dropped onto her bed with a soft sigh, the lights were dim and the babies mobile was still playing lullabies. "Great... I can;t wait to get back to school." She had been kept back a year and her mother was going to take care of Isobelle during the day time while Holly at least finished highschool, but with both Elise and Adam having finished school now she knew she'd be a little lost out there... she'd counted herself off the cheerleading squad long ago and she knew that everyone knew... she was dreading going back. (NT) -- Holly, 03:07:37 09/06/05 Tue
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