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Date Posted: 16:41:01 09/17/05 Sat
Author: Holly
Subject: Holly missed her baby so much when she spent the day away from her, as hard as being a teenage mother was, she adored her daughter and would do anything for her. She pressed a soft kiss to the babies tiny little button nose and smoothed her hand down her baby grow affectionately before glancing to Raine "You could say that... boys being dicks... This is Aiden by the way..." She glanced over her shoulder to Aiden and offered a soft, genuine smile "You want a drink or something to eat?" She glanced back to Raine "Has Izzy had any food yet?" it was only just getting towards lunch time so she doubted she had fed the babies yet.
In reply to: Holly 's message, "Torn into peices" on 16:29:35 09/17/05 Sat

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  • He felt a little bit awkward with all of these kids around .. like he was imposing or something but he just shrugged and nodded, smiling back at her with a "Yeah..thanks". "Hello Aiden ..Not yet, I was just about to feed them both, though." She smiled a little at Aiden as she passed him and went through to the kitchen with Tobias on her hip, arching a brow to Holly and nodding back to Aiden "You know Daddy will kill you if he sees you've brought a boy home.." And she wouldn't put Sebastian past killing AIden while he was at it, either.. (NT) -- Aiden/Raine, 16:48:23 09/17/05 Sat
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