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Date Posted: 15:42:58 11/05/05 Sat
Author: Holly
Subject: She arched a brow to him and watched him a moment before speaking "You're getting yourself into a pretty complicated situation. If you wanna back out... nows your chance."
In reply to: Aiden 's message, "He was sat on her bed with her - her room was all pink and girly, and it wasn't unlike his ex's. It kinda made him realise that they had once been of the same breed, and Holly might not always have been the sweet natured girl he knew now, but he tried not to think about that as he lay his head back into her plush, frill-rimmed and bright pillow, his lips working steadily with hers as his hand trailed up over the definite curve of her hip. nothing was rushed or forced, it was just .. nice, being here with her. He didn't feel like they were just doing it for show, either, like it had been when he was with Kyla" on 02:32:26 11/05/05 Sat

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  • He watched her curiously still, propping his head up on his hand "I can live with Izzy honey, its no big deal.."he sighed a little and pressed a kiss to her forehead "ook, I am not gonna pretend that I'm her father" - he'd never even heard her speak of the guy - "but I'll always be there for the both of you, yeah?" (NT) -- Holly, 15:47:24 11/05/05 Sat
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