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Subject: 37-46

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Date Posted: 18:18:38 04/28/02 Sun

37. The election of 1844 was notable because in part it was an expression of the mighty emotional upsurge known as Manifest Destiny.
38. In the Oregon treaty with England in 1846, the northren boundary of the USA was established on the lin of 49.
39. The group most supportive of gaining control of all the Oregon Country was the Democrats.
40. The ministry becan to experience a change of heart. British anti-expansionists were now persuaded that the Coumbia River was on afer all the St. Lawrence ofthe West and that the American horde might one day seize the Organ country and why fight a hazardous war.
41."Spot resolutions" were were propose by Abaraham Lincoln and they requested information as to the precies spot on American soil where American blood had be shed.
42.These all happened in the year 1846(Mid 19th Century)
43.The Mexicans wanted to humialiate the USA. Having a considerable standing army, neavily overstaffed generals, the bosted of invading the USA, freeing the black slaves, and lassoing whold regiments of Americans.
44.He didn't really want war only California, but when war started he hoped to fight in on ta linited scale and then pull out when he had won the prize
45.They commanded in the areas in the Southwest and California.
46.The whigs(I think ask someone else but i am pretty sure)

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