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Subject: Here are some answers for YA

Mr. Albert Dorgering
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Date Posted: 08:33:56 04/29/02 Mon

No, I won't. Whaddya want for free? Your money back? Ha! Ha!
You have no idea how many times I have re-written this book into various formats. Or how many millions of dollars it made that were stolen by the publishers. So, I go to all the trouble to give you a copy, and I made sure those numbers were readable before we posted it, but that isn't enough either. And do you know WHY?
Because YOU are not some poor student having troble reading it, you are the same lame asshole spammer who just comes here to criticize ANYTHING you can think of. And how do I know this?
Because we've been deleting the "test" posts you've been putting up to see if we had blocked your latest server. Now, you gotta wonder what sort of mental defective would go to all the trouble to get himself multiple e-mail accounts SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMING HERE TO CAUSE SHIT! Eat shit and die! You've just wasted more time and money for nothing, cause it's one click for me and you are banned, AGAIN!

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Re: Here are some answers for YAJohn16:14:35 04/29/02 Mon

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