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Date Posted: 07:05:20 08/01/02 Thu
Author: SB
Subject: luton, a disgrace

I went last night! I left Strood at 3pm and arrived in Luton about 5:45! I got into the ground about 7:30 to find out the game had been delayed by 15 minutes. That p.ssed me off a little bit. Then after about 20 minutes all the lights went off in the stands inside the ground, but the floodlights were still on. The ref was still happy to carry on. They eventually got the lights back on about 10 minutes before half time, but it did n't really matter as it was still daylight, and the floodlights were on.
After waiting about 10 minutes at half time for the teams to come out, there was a nnouncement on the tannoy saying " I am sorry to announce that we have had to postpone this match due to an electrical failure."
Everyone immediately stood up and went to the steward and said "Where do I go to get my money back." The Steward directed us to the ticket office on the other side of the ground, which when we eventually got there was shut. A few tempers got out of control with an old man saying to us "p.ss off back to Kent."
A steward by the ticket office said to ring Luton Town FC in the morning. Except the only proof I now have that I was at the match is a train ticket from London Bridge to Luton, as the club did n't even give ticket stubs on the turnstile, and I did n't buy a programme.
Apparently the law states that you can't get a refund if you've watched 45 mins of the match. Which probably explains why they called the game off at half time,instead of after 20 minutes, which is when the lights went out.
All I can do now is e-mail both clubs saying how much of a disgrace I think it is. The thing is, how likely is it that anyone from either club will write back? I'm thinking the chances are very slim.
At the end of the day I've travlled about 2 and a half hours from KEnt, along with 75 other Gillingham supporters, and payed about £30 on train fare and matchday ticket, and I will probably get nothing out of it.

ps: I arrived back in Strood at 12:30, I had 2 mates come with me from Herne Bay and Margate who arrived back at 3 because of problems on the lines in Gillingham.

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