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Date Posted: 09:12:41 05/16/03 Fri
Author: SB

This is from the QPR message board.
"I got to Loftus Rd at 10:30 and got in the line for the £36 and £42 tickets. It was raining hard and for the first couple of hours the only problems had been that there were only 3 windows open selling the tickets and everything was moving very slowly. About 12:30 we were told that £42 tickets were now only 1 per season ticket and an hour or so later told that they had completely sold out and that the £36 tickets which were left were up at the top of the North Stand. There was no sight of a club official and it was left to some bullyboy from Gouldrange to dispatch the news and he seemed to do so happily,alomost gloating.People around me who ahd been waiting for over 3 hours were now phoning up ticketmaster on mobiles and getting as many as 10 tickets with only 1 season ticket client number which were each priced £42. The majority of the £36 were also with ticketmaster. The simple fact of the matter is that at least half the tickets and probably a lot more are in the wrong place and up at ticket master being sold to anyone.Details were then given out that more £42 tickets would be on sale but that it would take till tomorrow to get them back from Ticketmaster. I then at this point decided to get one of the limited number of priority vouchers that were being given out supposedly guaranteeing me two £42 tickets tomorrow. The way we were treated as season ticket holders this morning was disgusting and Samantha Taylors ability to do her job should be seriously questioned.It was an idiotic decision to involve Ticketmaster. I have just got home cold and very wet and wait to see what lies ahead tomoorow when I return.
U R's "

ALSO, with it being sold on ticketmaster surely there will be loads of ticketless Cardiff fans in the Qpr end!I'm afraid to say it's gonna be carnage

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