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Date Posted: 01:21:06 05/11/02 Sat
Author: Wellington
Subject: Duty calls !

The birth of a Guardian.

It was very, very cold in my log cabin when I woke up that morning, I felt strange but could not tell what it was. It felt like something big was about to happen that I was unaware of.
I decided to roam around the Land of Lord Britisch and see what the day would bring. But the land was very quiet except for the presence of some animals.
Seeing how quiet things were I decided to go to Wind.
Standing in front of the entrance I got that strange feeling again and it almost felt like someone was calling me to enter and help. So I entered.
A few meters from the entrance I saw the body of a lich laying there. He was not dead yet but I could tell by his wounds that it would only be a matter of time.
His scarf around his neck was covered with blood giving it almost a red color.Normally I did not care much about them but this time I felt very bad .
Suddenly he spoke to me and said : You have come ! Our leader Kahn , the father of Adam, has told us about you .
I welcome thee Guardian of the Undead !

The Lich told me the whole story about Lord Britisch and the Mystic Council and how people on differents worlds has sworn to protect them . Then he told me about the bandana, the Guardians, the Enfocers.

And by then I knew that this was my duty, I am chosen to protect the houses of the Undead Lords in our world called Europe.

The lich also told me about other people in my world who had already taken up the task of protection. Their organisation called GUL.
After searching for days I finally found you and hope that I can become a member of your guild and aid you in the protection of the Undead Lords. Because that is my duty and I will forfill that until the day I die .


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