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Date Posted: 11:37:22 05/24/01 Thu
Author: Gerth
Author Host/IP: rmot-102-170.resnet.ohio-state.edu /
Subject: Re: 2000 Steeple
In reply to: Moulton 's message, "Re: 2000 Steeple" on 12:06:43 05/23/01 Wed

Although I haven't seen any races live this year I have seen many results and agree with Moult that the field on paper is weaker. The talent of these guys is good though. If Nigel has strengh from cross and has done even a minimal amount of barrier work he should be the favorite. I raced him last year and although he was injured he still ran awsome. Nige, I don't know if you read this at all but your a tall guy with a long stride and need to take advantage of that. You can practicaly step over the barriers. Just get to 1km as efficiently as possible (stay out of trouble) and win with a big move over the last 800m. Goodluck And Moult, these guys can definately go under six.

>This years steeple seems a lot weaker then the one
>from last year. I would put my money on Derek. With
>Nigel up there. Jay and Kyle Jones (6:28 in his first
>steeple) could also be up there making a run. It will
>definetly be one of the slowest steeples in recent
>memmory. I can't see anyone breaking 6 minutes.

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