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Date Posted: 15:19:27 06/05/02 Wed
Author: Corporate Confederation Databanks
Subject: 16 Republics

16 Republics of the Corporate Confederation

Corporate Confederation – Many years ago, the systems of the Outer Rim Territory formed what they called the Corporate Confederation to help control and regulate the billions of businesses About 50 years into the creation of the CC, the Tjorm, the majority in the Confederation, swiftly took control of the Corporate Confederation, and expanded it to many worlds, taking over various major corporations, and making billions in various monetary units. Since it’s once beginnings as an economic controller of the outer rim of the galaxy, the Corporate Confederation now owns vast businesses on both Draco and Cybertron, and has made great economic pacts with the Mech Union, allowing them to produce goods in the outer rim, and with the United trade Guilds which bring goods to the vast Corporate Empire. The Corporate Confederation also holds much in the Banking and Commerce Alliance, which helps with the money and the economy of the galaxy. The vastness of the Corporate Confederation has also won it many enemies, but many powerful allies.

Tjorma – Coincidently the largest planet in the outer rim territory. Tjorma is home to the Tjorm, possibly the most intelligent race in the Outer Rim Territory. This advantage is what evolved the Tjorm into a highly militarized state, but it also made them greedy, as the Tjorm are always out to acquire more and more wealth. It was these advantages that, before the formation of the Corporate Confederation, allowed the Tjorm to occupy 11 other planets in the territory. This is the main reason why the Tjorm are now the heads of the Corporate Confederation, and in a sense, the entirety of the Outer Rim Territory.

Quintecca – The second largest planet in the Outer Rim Territory and also the most culturally advanced (Sort of like France in 1700s Europe). Seeing as how Quintecca is covered entirely by water, the planet is home to a race of fish like people, the Sushita. The Sushita, who live above the water, but also in some places underneath, have built large city plat forms were the civilization live, work, and all else. Because of Quintecca’s water surface, it makes one of the four republics not occupied by the Tjorm, and it also makes it a powerful planet militarily.

Floras – Floras is the third largest planet in the Corporate Confederation. Unlike Quintecca, Floras is a planet entirely covered in a great forest. Concealed in the great forest are thousands of cities, and in these cities live the Norkmin, a race of bear like creatures, who are not only highly intelligent, but the Norkmin are a race of warriors that work tirelessly on their battle skills and weaponry. The Norkmin’s military history thankfully makes them one of the four Republics not occupied by the Tjorm.

Gorba – A desolate planet, once ruled over by two species. It was these two species that converged in a great war that ravaged the planets once youthful exterior. However, now, the two species are gone, and this gave the perfect opportunity to the Tjorm to move in and colonize. Now under Tjorm control, Gorba is nothing more than a military planet, covered are great military bases and training fields. To boost moral among the ranks, the Tjorm have also tried to restore the natural foliage of the planet, with some success, but only around the military bases.

Norm – A grassy planet with some large bodies of water. The species that reside on Norm are known as Normans, a small race, only ranking about 8 million on the entire planet, and most, about 5 million, live in the capital city. The remaining 3 millions are rural farmers and are spread very thin. This made it easy for the Tjorm to come in, and establish Norm as a colony. Though Tjorm does occupy Norm, because of the small population, the Tjorm mainly stay off of Norm, except for a small military force that is based to maintain order.

Nullstorn – Nullstorn is a gas giant, and in the Tjorm tongue means Raging Storm. The Tjorm colonized it many years ago, and here they built great platforms and cities in the clouds. Not much else happens on Nullstorn.

Vizcachu - Another planet ravaged by war of its once native inhabitants. It is now mainly used now by the Tjorm, who mine tridium on the surface, and the Mech Union, who have set up some large factories there to supply the Corporate Confederation.

Univeraum – Univeraum is a rather large planet that is encircled by hundreds of rocky rings. The planet surface is very rocky, with some large seas spotting the surface. Here, the Tjorm have set up one of the largest Tridium mines in the SPUniverse, and trade it with many out landers.

Kef Prime – Kef Prime is a vary weird planet. Most of the planet is green fields and forests; the rest of the surface is ravaged and scorched earth covered in enormous cities. This is the distinction between two races. The race that lives on the green surface is a race of humanoids that have a very mouse like look. These are the Mon Kef, the mouse species that is ruled by a monarchy. The scorched part of the planet covered in massive cities is where the Lor Kef reside. The Lor Kef are a species of rodents that look like rats if they were three feet tall and stood erect. Much of the time, these two races engage in a gripping civil war, but they do share great amounts of peacetime. It is because of these constant arms attacks that the Tjorm, and many other planets, stay away from Kef Prime, but Kef Prime does share a large portion of the Corporate Confederation.

Lagoneith – Another strange planet, Lagoneith is 75% covered in oddly flat grassy planes, and 15% covered in seemingly perfect blue water. This makes Lagoneith a perfect staging area for the Tjorm’s many military bases. It is on the surface that the Tjorm have created huge missile staging areas, and makes Lagoneith the Tjorm’s first line of defiance in case of an attack on the Outer Rim.

Rig’Nors – The other water planet in the outer rim, Rig’Nors is home to the Qek, a squid like people that live on huge platform cities on the water’s surface, and in gigantic under water cities. There is an old legend that says the Sushita are the evolutionary cousins of the Qek, and left the planet millions of years ago and settled on the other water planet in the outer rim. This is what led the Sushita in modern times to come, and, without blood shed, to come and occupy their brothers on Rig’Nors That also makes Rig’Nors the fourth and final planet not occupied by the Tjorm.

Torc Prime – Torc Prime was once a thriving forest planet, but has since changed to a heartless, factory planet. Torc Prime is not what it once was, and now is a planet entire covered by factories, shipyards, and wear houses. This is the economic hub of the Corporate Confederation. The Tjorm control the works, but here, the Mech Union and the United Trade Guilds handle the business. The Mech Union controls much of the factories, because here they produce millions upon millions of their products. Then, the products are shipped out by the United Trade Guilds to the outer worlds.

Corona – Here the Coro live on the large flat planes of the planet in their well put together cities. However, Corona was once a large military state that made the mistake of attempting to conquer the Tjorm. The Tjorm swiftly attacked the planet, and destroyed many of the major cities of Corona in what was known as The Great Bomb War, in which the Tjorm won, but the Coro decimated four major Tjorm cities. The Great Bomb War kill millions on both sides, but the Tjorm came to occupy Corona, and de-militarized the Coro. Now, the Coro are dispersed across the planet, but the Tjorm keep a large military force there, and use the mountain regions for solar study.

Faulkna – Not much can be said about Faulkna, except it has a strange species of locals, but they steer clear of the Tjorm military bases stationed on the planet.

Zimba – The one and only jungle planet in the Outer Rim Territory, Zimba contains scattered local tribes, but they also stay far away from the many military training basses stationed there by the Tjorm.

Tjorma Minor – The first planet ever colonized by the Tjorm, Tjorma Minor us much like Earth, with it’s continents and 75% of the surface covered in water, deserts, mountains, frozen tundra, and mountain regions. The original Tjorm to come to Tjorma Minor were the younger of the Tjorm race, and left after they needed resources following a massive civil war. Now, with sprawling cities and agricultural and cultural centers, Tjorma Minor is sprawling metropolis. Because Tjorma Minor is the outer most planet in the outer rim, and also the smallest planet in the outer rim, Tjorma Minor has allowed the home world to supply the planet with three armies from protection, and are there because, being the farthest out planet, Tjorma Minor is the last line of defense in case of losses in a full scale war.

Associated Members of the Corporate Confederation

The United Trade Guilds – A nominal ally of the Corporate Confederation. The United Trade Guilds handle a large portion of the trade transactions that occur in the SPUniverse, and manage to do their job rather well. However, the United Trade Guild has recently come under the control of a rather shady leader, and it is said that they are creating some new, strange army that is bent on taking over the Corporate Confederation.

The Merchant Clans – The Merchant Clans are a series of 10 families; all of the same race, and all control a great number of merchant businesses, many, many cities, and even some planets. Each of these clans, in trying to keep these cities and planets under their control, each control a rather sizeable army, and are not afraid to use them to enforce their will. Since the Merchant Clans require a large access to trade goods and trade routes, the Merchant Clans and the United Trade Guilds are powerful allies.

The Banking and Commerce Alliance – This is where the true money in the SPUniverse is held. The Banking and Commerce Alliance is a universal organization, totally ruled by a species known as the Kwi’Norb, and in control of trillions, and trillions of monetary units. The Banking and Commerce Alliance does have a fair police/military force, but it is their money that gains them power, and alliances with some rather shady characters.

The Mech Union – The Mech Union was once a series of family owned industrial complexes that were commissioned to create machines that help in industrial production, ship production, and medical instruments. However, since it’s 200 years in existence, it has come under the control of the Girandak, and has gone far beyond its humble beginnings. Now, it is mainly in the creation of new technologies, mainly that of factories and military technology and innovations. After some major terrorist attacks on their compounds, the Mech Union commissioned a treaty with many systems that allowed them to produce their own military force to protect their assets. On the out side, their security force of their newly created technology of battle droids seemed small and perfect for a large company, but soon more and more of the Mech Union’s warehouses became filled with battle droids.

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