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Date Posted: 17:30:44 07/19/02 Fri
Author: Mon Kef Military & Lor Kef Military
Subject: Silent Boarders, troubled times

On the surface of Kef Prime, much was happening. Territorial disputes over a section of land in the Mon Kef kingdom is brought the two great societies to the brink of Civil War again, but this time, there may be no stopping a bloody conflict.

Carfully, and under the disguise of a peace convoy, a large Mon Kef Army set up behind a wall that seperated the Mon Kef Territory from the Lor Kef advancing military.

While a regiment of Lor Kef sat ready to advance, the Mon Kef set up their cannons, and their infantry set up, waiting to charge. Quickly, the order was to the amry by the head of Mon Kef military actions. It was time.


The Mega cannons began to let of a barrage of fire, that cought the Lor Kef regiment off gaurd. It was a short battle. Within minutes, the regiment was completely obliterated. 3,000 Lor Kef, gone.


The Mega cannons stopped firing, and instantly, the 20,000 strong Mon Kef army began charging into Lor Kef territory, advancing 15 miles before stopping, and setting up for the soon to come retaliation.

The Nassvam War had began.

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