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Subject: Best ever Zeds

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Date Posted: 02:59:27 09/18/02 Wed

People often ask which of the 46 players to have represented the Zeds in the last 14 years would figure in the all time Zed Dream team.

Well going purely on results and working in reverse order the top 8 would be:-

No 8. Keith Bryant 76/130....58.5%
No 7. Mark Osbourne 18/29....62.1%
no 6. Alan Engledow 242/388..62.4%
No 5. Chris Marston 19/30....63.3%
No 4. Steve Adams 231/350..66.0%
No 3. Andy Holland 21/30....70.0%
No 2. Steve Sanders 55/71....77.5%
No 1. Mark Hewitson 64/79....81.0%

I took a minimum 25 games played as the cut off point. It can be seen that 3 players Mark,Chris & Andy made the 8 on the strength of one season's play. It's impossible to say if they would have kept up their average had they played the 300 plus games of Steve A. & Alan E.

Not wishing to detract from Mark H's achievement, but the fact is virtually all his games were played at home, where the opposition team usually opted to play one of their weakest players against him. Whereas Steve S. has played a lot of away games where he is usually pitched against one of, if not the strongest opponant.

That said, the list is probably a pretty fair assessment of the top 8 Zeds over last 14 years. Incidentally if it was a cup match and a 9th player was needed :-

No 9. Mark Parker ...79/137...57.7%

NB 2002 season results have not been included.

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[> Subject: Re: Best ever Zeds

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Date Posted: 00:30:00 09/19/02 Thu

>People often ask which of the 46 players to have
>represented the Zeds in the last 14 years would figure
>in the all time Zed Dream team.
>Well going purely on results and working in reverse
>order the top 8 would be:-
>No 8. Keith Bryant 76/130....58.5%
>No 7. Mark Osbourne 18/29....62.1%
>no 6. Alan Engledow 242/388..62.4%
>No 5. Chris Marston 19/30....63.3%
>No 4. Steve Adams 231/350..66.0%
>No 3. Andy Holland 21/30....70.0%
>No 2. Steve Sanders 55/71....77.5%
>No 1. Mark Hewitson 64/79....81.0%
>I took a minimum 25 games played as the cut off point.
>It can be seen that 3 players Mark,Chris & Andy made
>the 8 on the strength of one season's play. It's
>impossible to say if they would have kept up their
>average had they played the 300 plus games of Steve A.
>& Alan E.
>Not wishing to detract from Mark H's achievement, but
>the fact is virtually all his games were played at
>home, where the opposition team usually opted to play
>one of their weakest players against him. Whereas
>Steve S. has played a lot of away games where he is
>usually pitched against one of, if not the strongest
>That said, the list is probably a pretty fair
>assessment of the top 8 Zeds over last 14 years.
>Incidentally if it was a cup match and a 9th player
>was needed :-
>No 9. Mark Parker ...79/137...57.7%
>NB 2002 season results have not been included.

Yes, I can just imagine it. It's always happening to me. You're standing at the bar having a quiet drink, minding your own business, when a total stranger walks up to you and says "I wonder if you can help me, I can't sleep because of a question that's really been bugging me. Which of the 46 players to have represented the Zeds in the last 14 years would figure in the all time Zed Dream team?"

Here's a thought; Can an insomniac have a dream team?

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