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Date Posted: 11:44:02 10/07/02 Mon
>>Too late, Dutch, I've been banned again, probably for
>>good this time. Can you honestly say I said anything
>>worthy of a ban.
>>Mind you, nobody sprang to my defence, you're all too
>>worried of getting banned yerselves, yer lilly livered
>>brown nosers
>>When I think of all the times I've defended you,
>>Dutch, the stories I could tell, to the right people
>>if you get my drift.
>>And what do I get in return, malicious rumours spread
>>to UK8ball users, CyberZed assures me it wasn't him,
>>and I know who I believe.
>I went on there once to defend his point of view and
>they deleted the whole post. The good captain sure
>knows how to win friends and influence people. BTW
>Capt, I think you're mixing up 'malicious rumours' and
>'letting the cat out of the bag'.
What is goin on??
Im am totally confused, can someone please enlighten me please??????
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