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Subject: Re: Zeds Player of the Year hots up

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Date Posted: 13:15:45 10/17/02 Thu
In reply to: CaptZed 's message, "Re: Zeds Player of the Year hots up" on 03:06:23 10/17/02 Thu

>So it did go right to the last game. John needed to
>win to wrap it up, but a loss would mean Tony could
>overtake him if he won.
>In the event an unlucky inoff escaping a snooker cost
>John the frame and the P.O.Y. as Tony went on to win
>his match.
>John has the consolation of being the last Zed
>standing in the Singles Q/Fs, having been eliminated
>in the Doubles at the same stage.
>Tony becomes the youngest of 8 players to have been
>Zed P.O.Y. in the last 15 years. Only 2 of those have
>successfully defended title in the following season.
>Keith Bryant having won it the last 3 years, and Alan
>Engledow having won it 5 years consequetively and 6 in
>NB Tony's win completes what is probably a unique B &
>D League Double, of Father & Son both winning a team's
>P.O.Y. as it was the good Captain himself who stopped
>Alan Engledow making it 7 in a row by winning it in

May i congratulate Tony on winnning the player of the year for this year.
Whilst being obviously a bit dissapointed, i am more than happy with my performances this year, after a somewhat dissapointing year last year. Plus my continued involvement in the B & D singles, and my elimination in last 8 of doubles, and runner up P.O.Y.
The better player over the year won, and I wish Tony all the luck in the P.O.Y tournament.

I also want to say, lets all get it together and win the Cup Final,and hence go to the champions of champions next year, and hopefully next years race is exciting as this one has been, and we can all lead the ZEDS to the B & D premier division title.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Zeds Player of the Year hots up

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Date Posted: 00:13:40 10/18/02 Fri

Numbers, your graciousness in defeat only reinforces the fact that you have made the correct choice teamwise.

I understand you get fined and dropped if found guilty of being a gracious loser in that other team.

Don't know what the fine is, as no-one's ever been charged yet.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Zeds Player of the Year hots up

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Date Posted: 09:02:04 10/18/02 Fri

>Numbers, your graciousness in defeat only reinforces
>the fact that you have made the correct choice
>I understand you get fined and dropped if found guilty
>of being a gracious loser in that other team.
>Don't know what the fine is, as no-one's ever been
>charged yet.

I think i know now that I have made the right decision!
Of course i would be gracious, me and tony are great mates, and without causing offence to anyone else, if i was to choose any other player to beat me, or to get the P.O.Y, iwqould choose him.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Zeds Player of the Year hots up

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Date Posted: 21:24:02 10/18/02 Fri

>>Numbers, your graciousness in defeat only reinforces
>>the fact that you have made the correct choice
>>I understand you get fined and dropped if found guilty
>>of being a gracious loser in that other team.
>>Don't know what the fine is, as no-one's ever been
>>charged yet.
>I think i know now that I have made the right decision!
>Of course i would be gracious, me and tony are great
>mates, and without causing offence to anyone else, if
>i was to choose any other player to beat me, or to get
>the P.O.Y, iwqould choose him.

Spotted some major ars licking on this topic from a player who 4 weeks ago would a gave up everything to become a Bull player. LOL......

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