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Subject: Re: mickey mouse

old timer cont
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Date Posted: 13:13:41 01/08/03 Wed
In reply to: old timer cont 's message, "Re: mickey mouse" on 13:05:51 01/08/03 Wed

>>>hi back again after a short absence.I come back and
>>>read all this rubbish Rob gould is not just a good
>>>player but class and if you put him against jimmy on
>>>paper i,d say who the f--k is jimmy carney as for
>>>other guy who thinks hes m,mouse well whats he ever
>>>done in his lifetime (won a few games of pool in a
>>>lunch hour)rob has been around for years and won alot
>>>of things that some of you only dream about! so good
>>>on ya rob ive got my money on you
>>I cant belive you bit gouldie , but some of the
>>comments i have read here are unreal . firstly i was
>>up ilford on a saturday night last year when rob asked
>>jimmy if he fancied a money match and jimmy didnt want
>>to know . to people who have watched him play the last
>>year or so maybe he doesnt look that good but when
>>your missus has cancer its hard to play to the best of
>>your ability ,thats somethÿ
>that he doesnt use as an excuse . I have watched rob
>for 15 years and he was the best county player essex
>have had finnishing in the top 2 for 3 years running
>in a championship winning county team which included
>andy holland parker and paul coleburn , great players
>as they were but not on the same level which is why
>gouldie and andy chillingworth were asked to play for
>the region. rob then when on to qualify for the epa
>england team i know because he beat me on the way.
>apart from doing well in loads of comps rob won a
>national world rules comp a couple of years ago
>beating 3 now ipa pros on the way. not mickey mouse
>maybe a has been but thats better than a never be
just leave it rob if people wont say it to your face maybe its someone shit stirring trying to cause a row . anyway rob i think you know who this is i havent seen you for a while give me a ring sometime hope alls ok at home and chill mate

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