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The forest is peacefully quiet, the silence broken only by the twinkle of a chuffinch and the gentle murmer of a stream. You walk up to drink from the stream, constantly scanning your surroundings for any signs of danger. A sharp rustle in the undergrowth prompts you to lift your head. Gazing into the shadows, you are suddenly that others are watching. A band of horses stand in the shelter of the trees, alert to your prescence. You whicker in some alarm. A movement at the corner of your eye catches your attention, and you turn to look.

Another creature stands in the shade of a massive pine not far away, his blood bay coloring blending in almost perfectly with the shades of the forest. The trakehner steps out to the river's edge, his coat flashing red in the sun as he halts beside the stream. He is a beautiful stallion, solid and powerful of frame, with a finely chisled head and majestic, commanding stance. He stands quiet, still and tense, his head lifted beckoningly. He whinnies once, a sound that is both greeting and threat at the same time. Will you come forward to join him? Or deny and be driven away? He awaits, eyes watching you calmly, fearlessly.

Male Lead: Bold Red
Female Lead: *Trella
General: Memphis Belle
Guardian: None
Watcher: None
Legacy Carriers: None
Life Keepers: None
Thin Ice: None
Exiled: None

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