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Date Posted: 14:59:40 07/05/04 Mon
Chapter 94
Lams was taken outside to the car park by Jiz and Lib and he just kept pacing around like a wounded lion holding Jason tighter to himself
Lams: I can’t believe this, I can’t believe this! So he was the reason why she came into my room the other day giving me a lot of bullsh*t that she wanted some space and wanted to be independent?
Lib and Jiz did not know what to say, they were just as shocked as he was. I mean they knew Des was cool with Mark but no one knew it was serious for her to want to leave Lami. They just kept looking at Lams shaking their heads
Lib: Aw man, take it easy
Lams: Take it easy? She’s all up in there sharing her milkshake with some other guy and I’m supposed to be all fine and dandy with it?
He kept pacing and even Jason sensed his anger and he began to cry
Jiz: Look what you’ve done, you’re hurting your son, don’t take your frustration out on him.
At that Lami stopped and put Jason over his shoulder and patted his back
Lami: Its ok lil man, its ok, daddy didn’t mean to get angry just that your would have been step-mom just upset me a little that’s all.
After a while Jason stopped crying and Lami put his dummy in his mouth to keep him busy.
Lami stopped pacing and stood still
Talib (whispering to John): Ok so what’s he doing now?
Jiz (back at him): I have no idea
Talib: Lams…man what are you doing?
Lams just began to smile
Lams: Y’know what? F**k Des, she can stay with that dude, she’d better stay with the dude… C’mon Jason it’s just you and me now. Are y’all coming? I gotta go pack and go back to my mother’s house.
He began to walk towards his car, Jiz and Talib ran after him
Talib: What are you doing?
Lams: look what’s the point in crying and bitching over that bitch, as far as I’m concerned she’s dead to me, why cry over spilt milk, she don’t want me so why bother
Talib: But don’t you love her…
He could not finish his statement cos Jiz shoved him in his ribs to shut him up
Jiz: You heard the man, it’s over.
They drove away.
Des still in there with Mark, she had her head in her hands
Des: Oh God what have I done?
Mark: Who was he?
Des didn’t reply for a while
Mark: Des, who was he to you?
Des: He is…I mean he was my fiancé
Mark: And the kid he’s holding, is he yours?
Des: No no, he had a baby with some girl
Mark: Damn!
Des: I know.
During the rest of the date, Des wasn’t really concentrating as she was so surprised to see Lami. As soon as it was over she rushed home and started calling Lami, his phone was ringing but no one picked it up. She went over to his dorm room and saw Jiz there carrying a box, he immediately averted his eyes
Des: Hey Jiz where’s Lami?
Jiz: Why do you care?
Des: Excuse me?
Jiz: Look Des, normally you’re the one who lectures me cos I’m always doing stupid stuff, but today I think it’s your turn to hear one. Why do you suddenly care about Lami? You gave him back his ring yesterday so what do you want with him? Do you want to keep tormenting him by rubbing you and Mark in his face? And isn’t it funny how willing you are to dump a guy who’s been there for you everytime, who left New York for you and cleaned up his life for you and the only thing he did wrong was to love you, for a guy you’ve barely known for a few weeks? You are such a hypocrite! Excuse me cos I have to be there for my friend
Des was stunned cos John pulled her out of his way and went out of the door. She went out of the empty room
Des: So where’s all of Lami’s stuff?
Jiz turned back: Not that its any of your business, he’s gone home no thanks to you!
She stood there stunned and walked slowly back to her dorm room.
The next day. As he didn’t have classes that day, he stayed at home and slept. His phone kept ringing but he did not pick up
Des was in class with Cat and Jiz
Des: I’ve been trying to call Lami all day he’s not picking up
Cat: Haven’t you done enough to the poor guy in one day?
Des: Oh so now you also think it’s my fault?
Cat: Ok lets review the situation, you walked into his room, gave him back his ring telling him some bullsh*it about space, and the next day he found you with Mark, what’s he supposed to do- give you a medal?
Des: Whatever I don’t wanna hear this right now
Jiz: Cat leave her alone she too smart for her own good, she ain’t never listen to the crazy ass voice in her head, oh by the way let me tell you, the grass is not as green as it looks on the other side.
Des: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Jiz: Mark ain’t as innocent and perfect as he looks, trust me.
Jiz just shook his head and looked away.
Lami went to pick Jason from Krystina, he stood outside pressing the doorbell, Lib came to answer
Lami: Hey man, is Jason ready?
Lib: Yeah he is, how you doing?
Lib stepped aside for Lami to enter
Lami: I’m good, Des broke up with me a few days ago
Lib: Awww sorry to hear about it what happened
Lami: She’s seeing someone else- some dude called Mark or something
Lib: Dang!
Lami: I know…anyways how’ve you been?
Lib: I got a record deal and my first artiste to work with is Sterling
Lami: For real? The same ‘Platinum in Tha Streets’ Sterling? Wow congratulations!
Lib: Thanks but we’re moving to LA as soon as possible
Lami: Who’s ‘we’?
Lib: Me, Krys and Jason
The blood drained from Lami’s face- they were taking his child?
Lami: WHAT?
Lib: Look its not anytime soon, Krys is still thinking about it
Lami: Whether she says yes or no, NO ONE is taking my son away from me.
At that moment Krys came downstairs with Jason, she looked at the two men and could tell that something was wrong, she immediately knew
Lami: So when were you going to tell me you were about to rip my world by taking my son away from me? When you got to the airport?
Krys: I didn’t want to tell you yet since I was still deciding about it
Lami: Yeah whatever, you know what? Y’all can go play happy families for all I care but if you think you can take Jason away from me, you got another thing coming!
He stormed out of the house
Krys (annoyed): Now why’d you have to mention that to him now huh?
Lib: Don’t blame me, I told him the news and it came out, we were simply asking about how each other was doing, he told me Des left him for another guy called Mark and I told him my news?
Krys was shocked
Krys: You insensitive bastard! Your friend just told you the only girl he’s ever loved left him for another man and you rub his nose further into the ground! Sometimes I just don’t get you!
She turned back and went upstairs again leaving Lib confused until he got the message and could only say ‘damn!’
Lami drove back to his mom’s place where he was for the holidays and went straight upstairs, he was upset and so angry that he took off his clothes leaving his boxers and shirt and proceeded to beat the crap out of the punching bag he installed in his weight room. He kept on hitting and hitting and hitting, and as he hit, tears came down his eyes, he did not stop.
His mom (Diane) came into the house and all she could hear was some violent punching upstairs. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought it was an intruder hitting her son. She ran upstairs to where the noise was only to see it was Lami beating the punching bag into near tatters. She called his name- no answer. She called again a little louder still no answer until she yelled
Only then did Lami cease punching the bag, his hands were hurting and his eyes were red from the tears. Diane was about to launch into full war mode on him for his noise when she looked at him properly. She came over to him
Diane: Baby what’s the matter
Lami could not say anything, he just went to sit against the wall opposite the punching bag
Diane followed him and knelt down beside him putting her hand on his shoulder.
Lami: Its over ma, its over
Diane: What is?
Lami: My life
Diane: How can that be, baby you are averaging a 4.0 GPA in school you’re a working man, you’ve got a girl who loves you, a son who adores you, your baby mother who thinks you’re her knight in shining armour, you’ve got good friends, and dare I say it you look good too being a man!
Lami smiled a watery smile
Lami: Ma Des dumped me for a guy called Mark, and I went to pick up Jason only for Lib to tell me he’s moving to LA with him and Krys.
Diane felt so bad
Diane: Baby I am so sorry
Lami: Ma why does all this shit happen to me? I try to be good I read my Bible I go to church I work I’m in college, I’m doing all the right things but why all this crap?
He broke down again
Diane: Baby, I know you are hurting so much and I wish I could take it away from you but you have to be strong and endure, this is the test you have to endure to get your testimony. You have a strong destiny on your life don’t let the test overwhelm you that you don’t let your faith in God uphold you. Baby I know it doesn’t stop the hurt yet but believe me you will come out stronger.
Lami was silent. All this was too much to think of
Diane got up and pulled him up
Diane: You eaten yet?
He shook his head
Diane: Okay baby I’mma fix you your favourite lasagna and I’ll go get your favourite dessert then you march straight to bed and sleep okay?
Lami only nodded, Diane drew him closer and hugged him
Diane: My precious just endure and no matter what I’ll be here for you, now off to the shower and open the windows, you smell like a thousand dirty stinky gym socks! Oh and remind me to get you a new punching bag tomorrow, I think one more punch to this one and it would’ve collapsed entirely. If in the meantime you need to beat something up, I’mma hang up a side of beef that I need tendering, feel free to beat it up.
Lami smiled
Lami: Thanks ma
Same night- Des was on her way home to have Mark meet her mom who was still so surprised at the breakup news. Her mom was already home and she sat in the living room anticipating the arrival of the guy who could make her daughter breakup with the love of her life.
Des came in
Des: Mom we’re home!
Des’s mom: I’m in here sweetie
Des came in with Mark all excited, Des’s mom took one look at Mark
Mark: Hi nice to meet you
Des’s mom (coldly): Yeah same here. Excuse me
She went out of the room not even acknowledging Des at all except to shoot her one angry look.
Mark: What’d I do?
Des: Nothing she must’ve been upset at work
Mark: She didn’t sound it before she saw me
Des: Y’know what? You wait here I’ll go and talk to her now
Mark: How about I go back home and you call me when all is better?
Des: Ok Mark
He kissed her and then left. Des went to her mom’s room
Des: Ma what’s up?
Des’s mom (Annette): You really don’t know do you?
She gave a little laugh
Des: Know what ma?
Annette: That fool you brought up in my house, is he the reason you broke up with Lami? You dumped Lami for that dog?
Des: I don’t know what you’re talking about?
Annette: That “thing” is Mrs Jamieson’s curse of a son. A boy who has at least 5 kids all by different women, manages to keep ‘em all sweet by looking like he does, he’s been in more trouble with the police than anyone can count, and in case you didn’t know he is one of the frat boys from your school who gang raped Caroline Atkins, his frat chapter at your school are undergoing police investigation and the case is due in court next year and you know what, that same Mark had the nerve to bring a civil suit against her for battery saying that she scratched him during the incident. I know you wonder how I know this- Hi I’m the lawyer defending her, so if you wonder why I wasn’t all Mommy dearest with him I guess you know now
Des went grey in shock and put her hand on her face
Des (quietly): Oh my God, Oh my God
Annette: Yeah so Deshone I hope you feel great that you gave up Lami who kissed the ground on which you walk on for a guy whose rap sheet is so long that if it was made into a movie it would be the Lord of the Rings trilogy all showing at once and then some!
Des: Ma I didn’t know
Annette: of course you didn’t, I am quite surprised since you’re normally such a good judge of character, I mean you saw Olamide for what he really was and you surprised me even more by standing beside him through everything cos you saw a real man underneath all that façade. Actually I was wondering what did you say to break up with Olamide?
Des: I…I…I told him I wanted some space
Annette: Ah the same ‘space’ speech your daddy gave me when he walked out on me when he found out I was pregnant with you- I always thought that was a spineless excuse.
She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes before putting it back on
Annette (continuing): It saddens me but you remind me so much of your father, its even scary cos when he gave me all that space bullsh*t, I later found out from one of his work mates that he was already dating his PA, he just used my pregnancy as an excuse to break up with me.
Des: Ma I feel bad enough as it is, can we drop the subject?
Annette: Oh okay then, I’mma leave you with one or two more things firstly your conscience will judge you I mean if you truly wanted your space, you could’ve asked Olamide and he would have taken your relationship much slower but you obviously had other plans. Also, remember there is karma- you put out crap, you get it back sevenfold okay?
Des: Ma…
Annette: Okay I’ll drop it, goodnight o daughter of mine
Des: Goodnight ma
She closed the door to her mom’s room and went to hers. This night did not turn out the way she’d planned it.
That same night, Lami was fast asleep when his cellphone rang. Initially he missed the first call, but the second time the caller tried, Lami picked up on the second ring
Lami (sleepily): Hello?
Person: Lami its me Krys
Lami sat up straight on the bed his eyes clearing up quickly.
Lami: What’s up hope nothing’s the matter?
Krys: Its Jason
Lami: What’s up with him?
Krys: He’s sick I mean really sick and he keeps fainting and he’s been crying a lot, he keeps messing up his nappies evey 10 minutes and I don’t know what to do!
Lami: Where’s Lib? And have you called the ambulance?
Krys: Yes, Lib is not here he’s gone to LA for the next two days, I’m on my own and I don’t know what to do!
Lami: Stay calm, I’ll be on my way ASAP, don’t let him out of your sight and keep him breathing. Also call Lib he’s your boyfriend, give him a chance to be there for you.
Krys: Okay but don’t be long, if you don’t meet us, I’ll call you and tell you where we are.
Lami: Okay Krys, later
He hung up and pulled on his clothes hurriedly all the while swearing to himself. He could not call anyone right now as this was his kid and he had to be a father not a sissy.
He got to the house just as the ambulance people were bringing Jason out on a stretcher with Krys following closely behind them, he could tell she’d been crying, her eyes were puffy and red and she looked distressed. He ran over to her but was stopped by a paramedic
Lami: Leave me alone, that’s my son you’re taking!
Paramedic: Sorry I can’t.
Lami: Krys! Krys!
Krys looked to see who was calling her and saw it was Lami, she ran to him
Krys (to the paramedic): Please he’s my son’s father
The paramedic looked at Lami, apologised and let him go, immediately she hugged him and both went to the ambulance. Another paramedic was closing the door
Lami: Wait! We’re his parents, can we ride with him?
Paramedic: I’m sorry only one person can be in here with him.
Krys looked crestfallen
Lami: Its okay Krys you go and stay with our little boy, I’ll follow in my car
He pulled her close and hugged her
Lami: Don’t worry our baby will be fine!
She looked at him with big hopeful eyes and went with the paramedic who opened the back door for her so she could be with Jason in the ambulance. Lami jumped into his car and waited for the ambulance to pull out of Krys’ house and he followed them.
Both Krys and Lami’s minds were in a serious jumble, one minute their son was a healthy happy baby, the next he’s being carted off by an ambulance.
The ambulance went to the nearest hospital which was not Memorial Hospital but was St Guy’s and Thomas. The paramedics and nurses went into action once the ambulance pulled up, Lami quickly parked his car somewhere and ran up to meet the crew and Krys as they put Jason onto a stretcher and wheeled him into the paediatrician ward (the Tigger ward). The doctors stopped them as they got to a set of doors.
Doctor Miriam: Sorry but you will have to stop here for now, we have to conduct some tests on him to determine what is wrong and whether it is something to operate or otherwise.
Krys: Will he be fine?
Dr Miriam: I cannot say for now. Why don’t you go to the reception for this ward and fill out some forms and we’ll definitely keep you well informed and don’t worry he’s being attended to as we speak.
Lami: Okay thank you.
Dr Miriam gave a brief smile and went through the doors. Krys and Lami went over to the nurse at the reception for Tigger ward and filled out forms for Jason’s treatment, and just sat as close to the door as possible, Krys started crying and Lami just pulled her closer and held her. They were like that for a few hours when Lib came in hurried and hassled, immediately he went over to Krys and hugged her
Lib: I’m so sorry I wasn’t here
Krys: Its ok, all that matters is that you are here now
Lib looked Lami and gave him the whole boy hug thingy
Lib: Thank you so much for looking after Krys and I am so sorry for being an idiot earlier
Lami: Its cool, Jason will always be my son whether he’s in LA, Australia or Newfoundland and as his father I can always jump on the nearest dolphin to go and visit him in Canada if that’s where y’all choose to go.
All 3 smiled. Each guy held Krys’ hand as they waited for the doctor to come in. After about 1 hour Dr Miriam came out, all 3 got up.
Dr Miriam: Hello, which ones of you are Jason’s parents?
Lami: I’m his father and Krys is his mother, Lib is her boyfriend he’s like family.
Dr Miriam: Okay, well we ran some tests on him and he has a rare kidney disorder. Well his kidneys were not properly filtering the blood so all that should have been disposed of in his system were not and were clogging up his blood stream.
Krys began to wail, Lami held her hand even tighter.
Dr Miriam: Its okay, now what we can do to cure this is we need to operate on him to clear out a clot we spotted during the tests and to introduce new, purified blood into his system. Now I would need you
She pointed to Lami
Lami: My name’s Lami
Dr Miriam: Sorry Lami, we need to do a blood test on you and his mother to determine whose blood matches his.
Lib: If you need me to give some please let me know
Dr Miriam: You can come as well who knows you may be a lucky match and a welcome addition to his blood supply. If you all will follow me we can get started.
Dr Miriam turned around and led the 3 of them through the doors Jason had previously gone through.
About half an hour later they were waiting for the blood test results to determine if their blood could be used for Jason who had to have surgery in the next 5 hours otherwise his kidney would fail and he may be on dialysis for the rest of his life or even die.
It took another half hour before Dr Miriam returned
Lami (expectantly): So can we go in and start the process now?
Dr Miriam: I’m afraid not
Krys: Why?
Dr Miriam: Well I think we all need to sit down for this.
She took the 3 of them into an empty room a few metres away from where they were waiting and closed the door. She looked at the flipchart she held and paused for a while before speaking.
Dr Miriam: Well as you know we did a blood test on all of you including Jason to determine blood types. Jason’s bloodtype is AB negtive, Krys your blood type is A
Lami: So mine was B negative right?
Dr Miriam looked at her flipchart again
Dr Miriam: I’m afraid not. You see your blood type is O- the rarest out there
Everyone looked stunned. It took a few minutes before Lami regained his composure
Lami: Wh..what…what are you trying to say doctor? That I am not Jason’s father?
Dr Miriam: I’m afraid you’re not. Believe me we ran the sample through at least 5 times to be sure and we at one point even thought we mixed you up with another sample which was why I called you back earlier to give some more and we ran the new sample you gave a further 5 times and it is conclusive evidence that you are not Jason’s father.
Krys cried out loud, Lib immediately hugged her.
Lami (his voice raised): So if I’m not the father then WHO THE F*CK IS IT THEN?!
Dr Miriam was quiet for a while
Dr Miriam: I’m afraid but its Lib over there. His blood was a B negative and not by coincidence. As we normally use blood samples to run all tests such as compatibility, HIV or other venereal diseases, we also do a DNA test with the blood and his DNA matches perfectly with Jason’s as well as Krys’ does with Jason’s naturally.
At this point, Lami looked so angry, Talib immediately froze and Krys began to cry like crazy
Dr Miriam: I’m afraid that is exactly what I am saying
Lami looked like his world collapsed and just went to a corner of the room and sat down with his head in his hands
Dr Miriam: Look I know you all just had a big shock but I would really appreciate if Krys and Lib can come and give some blood for Jason, he needs to be operated on ASAP.
Krys and a very shocked Lib went out of the room with Dr Miriam who called for a nurse to take Lib and Krys to go and give blood. She returned to the room and went over to Lami
Dr Miriam: I’m sorry are you okay?
Lami (his voice hoarse): He’s not my son doctor, how can that be? How?
Dr Miriam did not know what to say so Lami continued
: She told me he was mine, I held him, cared for him, looked after him, my now ex relationship which at that time almost broke down, all the while she kept telling me he was mine! I lost a best friend for a long time cos of that! Why! How the f*ck can she do this to me! He is my son!
Dr Miriam (quietly): I am so sorry you never had a blood test or DNA test?
Lami: No cos I believed her, she told me Jason could only be mine cos I was the only guy she slept with around the time of his conception.
Dr Miriam: What about Lib?
Lami: According to her she wasn’t sleeping with him then but I guess that’s a complete lie isn’t it?
Dr Miriam: I am so, so sorry, do you want to speak to someone like a counsellor?
Lami: I doubt it. You know what; I’ll wait until Jason is better if anything.
Dr Miriam: Okay then
She got up and pulled him up, and both went out. A few minutes later Krys and Lib came out, Lami had his head in his hand and when both came out he glared at Krys
Krys (in a tiny voice): Lami…
Lami: Save it, I don’t want to deal with this now, when Jason’s better we’ll talk, oh and congratulations Lib- you’re the father
Lib was too shocked and confused to talk,
Lami got up
Lami: Y’know what? I need to go and call my mom and the others. Lib, are you okay?
Lib: I...I..I..I Oh God!
Lami: Yeah I feel the same way too
He began to walk away.
By this time it was 7am. He walked outside the hospital and turned his phone on. He had about 5 voice messages 3 from Des, 1 from his cousin in San Francisco and the other from his mom wondering where the hell he was. He deleted them all and began dialling.
At Lami’s house, Diane was about to have breakfast and go to work when her phone rang. It was Lami
Diane: Baby where the hell were you all night? I came to check up on you earlier and you weren’t in your bed
Lami: Ma I’m at the hospital
Diane jumped up almost upsetting the table
Diane: WHAT? What happened? Oh my God!
Lami: Ma, Ma no need to panic, I’m fine. Krys called me earlier to tell me Jason was sick so I went to her place and we both went to the hospital, doctor told us it was a kidney malfunction and he needed blood transfusion, doctor wanted me, Krys and Lib who came from LA to do a blood test to check the purity and suitability of our blood to Jason’s, test came back showing I ain’t Jason’s dad, Lib is
Diane froze
Diane: WHAT?!
Lami: Ma, I am not Jason’s dad, Talib is
Diane: Oh my God, are you okay?
Lami gave a deep sigh
Lami: Honestly no, but I’m on an adrenaline rush right now and I don’t want to think of it, I’ll deal with it once Jason’s better.
Diane: Aw sweetie I am so sorry
Lami: I know, listen ma I gotta go, got to tell the others about Jason being sick. I’ll talk to you later this evening
Diane: Alright then take care honey
Lami: Bye ma
He ended the convo and dialled John’s number. John was dreaming of being a big time company director when his phone rang. Cat who was sleeping beside him turned over and nudged Jiz to get his phone
Jiz (sleepily): Hello?
It was Lami
Lami: It’s me
Jiz: What are you doing calling me so early
Lami: I’m at the hospital with Krys and Lib, Jason has kidney issues and is going through surgery now to correct it.
Jiz sat up waking up Cat who had laid her head on his chest, she looked irritatedly at him like ‘what the f*ck is wrong with you?’
Jiz: Dang! Are y’all at Memorial?
Lami: Nah, we’re at St Guy’s and Thomas down Priory Road
Jiz: Okay we’ll all be there.
Lami: Thanks I’ll wait outside here for y’all
Jiz: See ya later, oh and be strong
Lami: Thank you, and can you please call Jamal and co for me please?
Jiz: Sure definitely, see you later.
He clicked off.
Cat: Who was that?
Jiz: Lami, Jason’s in hospital he has kidney issues according to Lami
Cat: Oh my God
Jiz: They’re at St Guy’s and Thomas and they want us to tell the others
Cat: Even Des?
Jiz: He didn’t say but I guess so, she’s still one of us regardless
Within the hour everyone had been called and were on the way to St G & T. They saw Lami outside and went over to him
Jackie: Hi sweetie, how are you doing?
Lami: I’m holding up fine
Jiz: Don’t worry you’ll be fine, how’s Krys?
Lami: She’s in the ward with Lib
Cat: What’s he doing here?
Lami: Krys called him to come from LA
Jiz: And y’all never called us?
Lami: We didn’t want to disturb anyone and we wanted to know what was wrong with him
Jamal: You can never disturb us we’re your people, always and forever.
Lami: Thanks, c’mon lets go in
Des was among them and up until now she was quiet
Des: Lami can I talk to you please?
Lami stared at her like she was an alien.
Lami: Deshone, there is nothing you say that I want to hear especially right now cos my world was turned upside down last night; sorry but now is not a good time
Des (quietly): I understand
They all followed Lami. When they got to Tigger ward they saw Krys who looked pale and Lib who looks shocked
Lami: Is everything okay?
Lib: Yeah he just got out of surgery half an hour ago, we went to see him
Lami: And you didn’t call me?
Lib: Erm…the doctor wanted immediate family only for now.
Jiz: But Lami is his dad, he definitely is immediate family right?
Lami, Lib and Krys fell silent, Krys began to cry again. The others looked at them wondering what was wrong
Cat: Guys, what’s wrong? Why couldn’t Lami go in? I mean Lib did you fake to be Lami?
Lib (quietly): No
Jackie: So what’s the deal?
None of them answered for a while
Lami: He…he didn’t fake anything. The reason why I couldn’t have gone in is…is…is because erm we did a blood test today cos Jason needed some blood for transfusion and the results came back that Jason has AB negative blood type, Krys is A, Lib’s blood type is B negative and I’m an O blood type
Cat: What are you trying to say?
Lami: No way in hell I could be Jason’s father cos the doctors did a DNA tests on our blood samples and they showed that Lib not me is Jason’s father
Everyone was open mouth in shock, Jiz muttered ‘what the f*ck!’, Des was like ‘oh my God’
Lami: So that’s why I can’t go in with Krys, Lib is Jason’s father and I am not his father.
Cat: Oh my God
Krys (crying): I am so sorry!
Lams (giving a sardonic laugh): What a week this has turned out to be? First of all my fiancée dumps me for another man, now I find out I’m not the father of a baby I was led for over a year to believe was mine? Life really is a bitch ain’t it tho?
Cat went over and hugged Lami
Jamal: We are so sorry
Lami: Y’all ain’t got nothing to be sorry for, it’s just such a shame that I try to live my life well but my nearest and dearest never seem to have the guts to tell me the truth
Krys: I am so sorry I had no idea.
Lami laughed
Lami: Honestly I kinda knew, the older he got the less he seemed to look like me. At least now I know where I stand with him. Lib you can take your son and Krys to LA you don’t need my permission anymore, Lib I hope you enjoy fatherhood as much as I have enjoyed it.
Lib just looked dumbstruck, he was still in shock. This was going to be so different to what he thought. It was okay playing part time daddy to Jason when he felt like but now that he has to be a full time one? It scared the hell out of him.
Dr Miriam came out
Dr Miriam: Oh hello Lami you are back, how are you doing?
Lami: I’m holding up.
Dr Miriam: I think it would be good for you to go in and see Jason now
Lami: Can I go alone, we need to talk
Dr Miriam: Sure
Lami: I gotta go y’all. Oh Doc can our friends come in later
Dr Miriam: Sure if you want them to
Lami: I do.
He gave a weak smile at everyone and went in.
When he was gone Krys was taken aside by Des, Cat and Jackie
Jackie: How the hell did that happen? I thought you said you only slept with Lami at the time of Jason’s conception?
Cat: Yea I mean you said Lib was too busy with stuff
Krys: I know, I know, I was so sure
Des: You don’t remember sleeping with Lib?
Cat: Was he that bad?
Des and Jackie: Cat!
Cat: Sorry just asking
Krys: At the time I didn’t remember but later I did but I still thought it was Lami
Jackie: But that idea has now been shot, he’s Lib’s baby. Didn’t you see anything quirky they both did?
Krys: Come to think of it I did see a little semblance but I thought it was because he also thought Lib as a dad.
Des: Like what?
Krys: They both slept on the same side, woke up around the same time at night for 5 minutes before sleeping again, and the way they both wrinkled their noses whenever they were about to fall asleep. Oh my God what have I done to Lami?
Cat: Between you and Des, y’all have managed to take away the two most precious things in his life within days
She gave a little clap
Cat: Y’all done done it now, nice to know you both can be cold, calculating and heartless. In case you forgot, he actually has feelings
Des: Don’t make this my fault
Jackie: Then whose is it- mine?
Krys: Please guys I don’t need this now
Cat: Well hate to break it to ya hun but you are going to get a lot of it when Jason is better
Krys: Yeah I know.
With the boys- Jiz and Jamal sat beside Lib
Jamal: You okay?
Lib: I’m not sure; I can’t believe Krys did not tell me! I broke up with her and despised Lami for it
Jiz: I can understand
Lib: I mean does she realise the impact it will have on my career? I’ll have to change some plans, I mean I cannot have a full time son now!
Jiz and Jamal looked at each other
Jiz: Wtf are you saying? Dude like it or love it, your son is in there fighting for his life and you’re bitching about some career? What about Lami who balanced school, work, and church with being a full time dad, not once was he heard bitching about how his life was too much, he stepped up to his responsibilities like a man and he did it real quickly, so I suggest homie that you do the same!
Jamal: He’s right, you’re now a father get used to it
Lib: I know
In the baby ward, Lami was shown to Jason’s cot and he sat down beside it, he put his finger underneath Jason’s hand
Lami (quietly): Hey lil man, how are you holding up? I know you can’t hear me now but we gotta talk. See when you were very sick earlier, the docs said they needed to put some new blood in you to remove the old ones. You know blood is that thing that came out the day I cut my finger and it looked red and came out of the finger? Well the docs checked and lil man, turns out I ain’t your daddy, Uncle Lib is your daddy. I know know I’m hurting now just like you but don’t worry Uncle Lib is such a cool dude and will be a great father to you. I will always be here for you and I won’t stop loving you. I’ll be there to teach you whatever your daddy cannot teach you and doesn’t know about like girls, sports, maths, all that stuff. Your daddy is a music producer and does know good music so he will teach you about it. Jason I love you so much and I am so proud to have been your daddy.
Tears had begun to run down his face at the time, and instinctively Jason tightened his fist around Lami’s finger
Lami: You’ll always be my lil man no matter what okay?
Lami and Jason were like that for about 10 more minutes when Jason loosened his grip.
Lami got up wiped his face and blew Jason a kiss and walked out.
He walked out and saw everyone waiting
Lami: I guess y’all can go in now and see him, I think I need to go home now, I really need to get out of here.
Dr Miriam: That is a good idea and I suggest it for Krys and Lib too
Kry: I cannot leave my son now let the boys go I’ll stay.
Dr Miriam: You can stay for the next half hour after then you need to go on home, the hospital will call you and Lib a taxi
Jiz: Don’t worry we’ll give them a ride home
Dr Miriam: Good.
Lami: Ok then y’all I’ll see you all later
Everyone except Krys, Lib and Des went to hug him and offer him words of comfort
Lami (to Lib and Krys): Don’t worry your son will be fine
Those words cut through them like a knife, and it hurt Lami to say it as well.
He turned around and walked out to the car park. He was a few yards away from the car when he heard someone call out his name, he turned around
Lami: I thought I said not now
It was Des
Des: I know but I just wanted to say sorry
Lami looked at her like she was crazy
Lami: Sorry? Sorry for what? Oh that! You gotta be kidding me. Sorry does not cut it at all Des not even in the slightest. You know what Des I don’t want to talk about this now; there is more to me than either you or Jason, there has to be.
He got into the car and drove off.
Des started to cry.
Well that is it everybody! The longest chapter written so far hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoyed writing it.
One luv
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