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Subject: MAD POSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 06:27:44 07/16/13 Tue
Author Host/IP: dynamic-acs-72-23-16-165.zoominternet.net/

::: We Want To See Your Beautiful Face :::
America's Ultimate Extravaganza!!!!

Allison our AUE Pro Level Grand Supreme is simply a breath of fresh air. She is a perfect example of what we are looking for at AUE. Simply Beautiful. Not over done, but done just right.

America's Ultimate Extravaganza
August 9-11 * Louisville KY

Questions? Email MadonnaHM@aol.com or call 502-457-3405
paypal is: MadonnaHM@aol.com
Don't Forget To Follow Us on Facebook!!!!
Madonna GlamourGirls AND at Madonna Durbin

........Did You Know........
AUE, the ORIGINAL Level Pageant was established in 1997

We can't wait to make more new AUE memories in August 2013 at the ORIGINAL Level Pageant!

Come Join the FUN in Louisville KY.....August 9-11

We have TWO Facebook Pages!
Madonna Durbin
Madonna GlamourGirls
Questions? Contact Madonna on FB or email: MadonnaHM@aol.com

AUE Has Added Swimwear!!!!
Come Join the FUN at AUE !!!!

::: America's Ultimate Extravaganza :::

Join us for the ORIGINAL Level Pageant!
August 9-11 in Louisville KY

Questions? Call Madonna: 502-457-3405
YES Madonna is on FACEBOOK!!!
Search: Madonna Durbin or Madonna GlamourGirls
email: MadonnaHM@aol.com

:: All It Takes is Beauty + 1 at AUE ::

Beauty Plus Your ONE Highest Optional !!!

Interview * Casual * Swim * Denim * Natural Photo

It's Not Too Late To Join Us at The ORIGINAL Level Pageant!!!

::::: Madonna's H&M Schedule :::::
!! Reserve Early !!
Many Pageants Approaching Full or Wait List Only

Reserve Your National Award Winning H&M
Priced Right with Madonna!!!!

12-14 * Dynasty Dolls * Johnson City TN * approaching full
26-28 * America's Fabulous Faces * Louisville KY

2-4 * Midwest NES * Lansing MI * booking fast
9-11 * Don't Miss AUE - Madonna not available for H&M
16-18 * Beauties of Paradise * Atlanta GA
24 * All Stars Nationals
30 - Sept 1 * Dixieland Dolls & Darlings National

13-15 * Diamonds & Pearls
20-22 * Just Beautiful
27-29 * Tropical Dream Stars * Atlanta GA

4-6 * Ghoulish Girls National
11-13 * Southern Beauties & Beaus
25-27 * Monster Mash National

15-17 * Beautiful Me National
22-24 * America's Gorgeous Girls

13-15 * Christmas Pageantfest * Pigeon Forge TN

Madonna's H&M price also includes rolling of your hair piece - just send, including rollers, head & clasps 2 weeks prior to the event.

Perfect H&M for Natural AND Glitz without paying a fortune!

Email MadonnaHM@aol.com today to book or call 502-457-3405
Madonna Durbin on Facebook

*** H&M with Madonna at Beauties of Paradise***
Get Your Grand Supreme H&M just like Cassie!!

H&M Madonna at Beauties of Paradise
August 16-18 in Atlanta GA

Gorgeous H&M without paying a fortune!

You'll Never Be Late with You Choose Madonna!!
Madonna Never Overbooks
*** EVERYONE Gets Quality Time ***
Never pay over $200 ~ Email MadonnaHM@aol.com today to book or call 502-457-3405

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