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Subject: MAD POSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Date Posted: 13:47:01 10/03/13 Thu
Author Host/IP: dynamic-acs-72-23-16-165.zoominternet.net/

Join the excitement! Cami and Ashleigh did and won big at New England Belles.
We do it once a year and we do it big! NEB spares no expense and only buys the best for it's contestants.
Everyone goes home feeling like a winner with their custom crown and sash. New crowns this year and everyone goes home with prizes and a zebra print weekend duffel in our signature colors of pink and black. Join us for top notch production and the most qualified judges money can buy. We fly them in folks.
New England Belles March 14-16, 2014
Sheraton Bradley Hotel, CT
All you need to win any title on the paperwork just $350 if your deposit is in by November 15th at midnight.
$2500 cash to our Ultimate Grand Supreme
Like us on Facebook

"New England Belles is the only NE pageant that flies in experienced, qualified judges from other parts of the country!
March 14-16th 2014
Sheraton Bradley, CT
Everyone receives a weekend duffel in our signature black and pink colors,
a custom crown, prizes at crowning and free raffles you have to see to believe.
Like us on Facebook to see some of the prizes already planned!

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