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Subject: A strange occurance before it closed

Annie Jansen-East
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Date Posted: 20:57:12 01/03/04 Sat

I had my first child on 21st february 1985, and believe I was one of the last mothers to use the maternity unit. Due to a difficult delivery I was put in a private room after the birth. My then husband was concerned during the delivery that I may have lost my life and so although not a particularly religious man, wanted to visit the chapel to give thanks after my condition had stabilised. He tells the story of what happened as this.
He headed out of the maternity ward and had to travel down many corridors that were dark and out of use. Most of the wards I seem to remember were in darkness (If my memory serves me correctly) I think the maternity ward was one of the last to be closed down. He went into the chapel and prayed. On his way back to the ward he saw a young child about 4 or 5 in a wheelchair that turned into one of the dark wards. as he passed he looked in but could not see the child. When he returned to the ward he spoke to the sisiter in charge, concerned for the welfare of the child. The sister did not seem surprised but simply said "that child can come to no harm, he is only in spirit".
I wonder if any one else has ever reported seeing the child in a wheelchair?

Thank you for a very interesting website that brought back some lovely memories, but that I also found devastating to see the condition it had been left to fall into.

Kind regards

Annie Taplow.

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