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Subject: It's eerie because....

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Date Posted: 18:42:29 02/18/04 Wed
In reply to: rodderss 's message, "whats everyones.." on 22:06:22 02/15/04 Sun

The place is lost in time, and the fact its not empty makes it seem like people left in a hurry. Like any abandoned building it gets a certain amount of eerieness just because its empty and dilapidated, and because it was a hospital you know people experienced great pain and suffering within its walls - this is probably the biggest factor for me (although there's nothing at CRX to match the eerieness of the artwork done by the inmates at Cane Hill mental asylum in Surrey, recommended viewing ;-).
Its also a very big site with lots to explore, makes it kind of mysterious.

I don't find the place scary though, I've probably spent about 20 hours in total within the place, and about 15 of those were at night in the dark by torchlight. At the end of the day you have to remember that you are just walking round some old empty buildings, its nothing to get worked up about.

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Subject Author Date
truerodderss19:27:39 02/18/04 Wed
KILLJOYKILLJOY17:12:14 04/21/04 Wed

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