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Subject: Maybe you can help me?

Victoria Gamco.
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Date Posted: 14:46:13 04/25/04 Sun
In reply to: William Wilberforce 's message, "THE CANADIAN RED CROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MATERNITY WARD BED" on 09:11:03 04/25/04 Sun

Dear Sirs!
I am addressing you with arrange to assistance find a job in sphere of medicine.
To introduce myself briefly . My name is Victoria Gamco. I am 29 years old. I am medical doctor (my speciality obstetrician - gynecologist). I am unmarried. I am highly motivated with good communicative skills. I know Russian,English and Romanian languages.
I have ended the Kishinev State Medical University and I have continued my medical education in the Scientific research institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of a name of D.O.Otto in Sankt - Petersburg (Russia).
At present I try to find work in sphere of medicine.If necessary ,I shall give all necessary information which will be confirmed documentary. My desire is to help people which require it.
I shall be grateful for your help and your answer.
Thank you very much and I ask a pardon for time taken away from you !
Yours faithfully,
Victoria Gamco.

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sorryrodderss22:13:15 04/25/04 Sun
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