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Subject: didn't see Colin about

Ray Hurley-Castle
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Date Posted: 00:18:12 08/09/02 Fri
In reply to: Damon Torsten 's message, "Scary..." on 15:32:20 08/07/02 Wed

But I read his message and have a photo of it somewhere amoongst the thousands (literally THOUSANDS) - I have a subtle feeling he may have been lying...
Or perhaps he starved to death as there's onlyu empty Lucozade bottles left to munch upon in the Canteen these days. Oh and the occasional box of Myron Heel-Seats™ but I foraged them for Webmaster Owen as he does enjoy a sweet tasty heel-seat.
Perhaps he is hiding in the recesses of the recently named 'Wheel Room'...?

Pardon my possible illiteracy but perhaps 'Colin' is actually a coded anagram for 'The Flincher'?

Maybe one (or both) 'C's in CRCMH actually stands for 'Colin'? Just in case, from this day on, my pet name for the Hospital shall be Colin.
Right, tis time indeed to foray once more through the Glens™, and today I shall be Avoiding The Bear™
Fare thee well, and fear not, it may be that you are actually mad.

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VideoDarren King11:54:43 08/09/02 Fri

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