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Subject: CRCMH Entrances

Bob Hurley
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Date Posted: 17:46:29 05/27/02 Mon

The National Trust have really messed up... in November last year they put up a massive green fence just as I was planning to make my first visit there. I had to crawl beneath it to the south, and dodge around the bushes between it and the wall on my way. I came out that way too, and had to walk through somebody's driveway to leave... not a good idea. I notice recently [in the last month] there has been a hole in the wall to the north of the entrance, now boarded up by pathetic gardeners or whoever, and the metal fence on the gate was bent over [now attempting to be bent back by some nearby chipboard]. Can anyone shed any light on these entrances, or come forward as the culprits? Are there any other possible entrance points that people could use?

[Note to any National Trust staff: don't stoop that low to block of the entrances of an abandoned building, a shrine to many hundreds of people - it is very sad and utterly pointless.]

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