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Subject: info

Ray Hurley-Castle
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Date Posted: 04:34:24 02/24/03 Mon
In reply to: suzie 's message, "help" on 20:45:51 02/23/03 Sun

Greetings questioning one...
From my vast forays into the depths of the CRCMH I can tell you this;
The mortuary may exist, but probably doesn't any more. Several times I have ventured into the area with my spyglass, I scoured the area and could only see a water tower standing in the area where the morgue should lie. The mortuary is actually not on the hospital site - it lurks in the depths of the sawmill next door (for reasons unknown). I guess, from the data I've got, that it must have been knocked down some time ago :(

The DeadFiles are still there, the building is filled with random papers, broken equipment and assorted medical gubbins of little worth. I (and my fine feathered associates) own much of the GoodStuff™, filed away in my cousin's nuclear workshop, yum yum indeed. There's quite a lot of interesting material to go through (and plenty of uninteresting material to syphon through to reach the interesting stuff) but there's not too many deadfiles left now, and those that remain are in quite a poor state, moulding and manky. Like a scotch egg.

I am hungry now and must away to the local sludge emporium, oh to quaff and scoff.
Peace, Love and Infinite Herpes™

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Rollocks To You, My LiegeSir Isaacute Mangforth OBE ETC07:35:33 02/24/03 Mon

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