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Subject: plague please?

Sarah F
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Date Posted: 18:15:33 06/02/02 Sun

can you catch diseases there easily? I want to research diseases for my summer project and would really like to find some old ones in the hospital. We would travel miles to get there if there are diseases in bottles still. Can I catch diseases there? If I did, seeing as they would be old ones, would I just get better really quick?
Why is asbestos not good for me?
Will it give me diseases too?
Sorry I have to much work to do to come back for a while, I have a paper round soon. In the meantime I am still looking for places in England that will give me plagues for my summer disease project. Can I get plagues there? Will they have visible symptoms that I get get my mum to photograph for my experiments? I used to be a receptionist, I can type really fast. Well I helped in the study writing bank notes. But there were no diseases for my project in my house so we ran away with a backpack of beans and our pet dog. I brought a blanket sometimes there is a hole in it that we all look through into Narnia. But are there any ineresting illnesses I can catch from wading in the Thames? I don't go to the thames ever so if I did it would be my first timae and I could carry the blanket and the catching nets. I could photograph my arm going black nd put it through the hole in the carpet and sing about my one old arm in the plague river. I am going to bed in a minute but have three more things in the list on my page. Please answering but I can't come back for a while and there is no more light with my glasses in the drawer. I will be in computer net when I am older. I am older tham everyone at school and have three tests this week.

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very sadJoe Farrand18:45:23 06/04/02 Tue

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