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Subject: Not at all bollocks

Damon Torsten
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Date Posted: 03:02:32 07/30/03 Wed
In reply to: Cein 's message, "bollocks" on 00:08:00 07/30/03 Wed


Oh dear.

Let's get this straight. I can absolutely confirm for you now that Sgt Graham Johnston is indeed a genuine police sergeant from Burnham. Not only would I think very carefully before accusing him of talking "a load of shit", I'd seriously take note of what he has to say because the nature of his job is concerned with the welfare and well-being of the community of which you are a part.

By all means, if you have a question or something you'd like to raise with him, then I've no doubt that Graham will do his best to give you a straight answer. He is a top bloke - and certainly not your enemy. It's in your interest to work with the police, not against them - so consider yourself lucky to be given such an opportunity to discuss your concerns with an officer who cares enough about the community to give up some of his own private time to listen to what everybody has to say on this messageboard.

He doesn't have to be so generous with his time - he could go home and watch TV like most of us would. Nor does he have to listen to some of the crap contained in posts such as yours. So, give him a fair go. Take full advantage of such an opportunity - listen, learn, and ask away - because it's for YOUR benefit.

And on the other matter - no - there isn't a message saying that 'you will be arrested and prosecuted if you enter this site' (presumably you're referring to The Shrine) because the website isn't illegal. We do, however, stress that entering the hospital itself IS (look at the FAQ page for example).

So be good, and eat your greens.

The CRCMH Shrine

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Thanks DamonGraham Johnston00:46:04 07/31/03 Thu

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