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Subject: Fingers indeed...

Damon Torsten
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Date Posted: 12:39:18 08/20/03 Wed
In reply to: Annonomous 's message, "update" on 11:57:44 08/18/03 Mon

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll get around to an update before long. And when it happens, I guess it'll be a strange one. To be honest, we've had precious little "good content" thrown at us of late, although many things have been happening to the hospital in terms of police and media attention, so I guess we can summarise that a bit. And there's always more memorabilia and photos galore to sift through - lots of stuff that Owen has been presented with - of course.

As it happens though, I haven't exactly had my "finger in my arse" as suggested here. It has in fact been massaging my abdomen a fair bit because I've been in and out of hospital of late (being a bona-fide working one - thankfully) because it turns out that my liver is, for want of a better word, shagged. The rabbit food and total sobriety I can handle, but I've been in a fair amount of pain for a few months, so gathering material for the website, and indeed sitting infront of a computer more than I have to hasn't exactly been the most inviting concept in the world to me recently (i.e. it's bad enough having to do it at work, so why would I want to subject myself to more at home?). At any length, you can be assured that - with me on the road to recovery - we'll add a few new things for you all soon. So don't think we've forgotten you. We don't go away that easily...

Be Good :-)

The CRCMH Shrine

P.S. Cheers to you all for keeping the Message Board active and interesting. A major objective of The Shrine from day one was that the people could use it to generate their own discussions and general chit-chat about the place - and it's nice to see that notion coming to fruition. With any luck, we'll get a better format for the board before long - because this one was only ever intended to be a temporary thing. So watch this space.

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Subject Author Date
...rodderss21:55:46 08/25/03 Mon
Yaaaaar!Owen Pellow02:11:35 08/28/03 Thu

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