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Subject: Farrands dictionary

j farrand
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Date Posted: 21:56:07 06/21/02 Fri
In reply to: Damon Torsten 's message, "The forgery exposed!" on 06:34:52 06/19/02 Wed

1. i never said a plastic factory was being built i mearly suggested it.
2. Im an obnoxious teenager actually u twat
3. and you said this disscussion board was meant to be taken seriously so rather the attempt to laugh at your twisted sense of humor to piss you off i took it seriously. i also did realise that it was complete and otter bollocks i was playing along, until you admitted that you were talking out your arse.
3.on the internet it doesn't particulary matter if you cant spell if you can understand it. Also i have never claimed to be able to spell.
4. i haven't skipped school once you can contact JHGS if you really want. I had study leave for my year ten exams. I'm a a student.
5. Other parts of the Farrands Dictionry include:

dump - Crcmh
twat - Damon Torsten

6. You call me sad and your obsessed woth this dump that was once a nice hospital but now isn't and is beyond repair.
7. I don't like meatloaf personally and i doubt the skaters do so that shows how little u know.
8.You are just as childish for going along with me.
9. Im sure you wank.
10. I also believe it is childish breaking into private land much more childish.
11. I also find changing your middle name to your last name pretty sad as it shows you most be embaressed by your past either that or on the run from the police for breaking and entering.

Joe Farrand (opposer to the dump in Taplow)

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Thank you, and goodnight.Damon Torsten15:25:53 06/22/02 Sat

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