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Subject: fdg

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Date Posted: 09:23:18 08/31/09 Mon

*Back To School Extravaganza*** Southern Majestic Princess **
School Bus - Animated Pictures, Images and Photos

Back To School Extravaganza
Facial Beauty Pageant
School Bus - Animated Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, September 20th 2009
Holiday Inn Bordeux
**With 25 Contestants, We will have a drawing where 1 contestant will win a $1000 bond! At Our SC Preliminary we had enough contestants, and a child left with the $$$..

You do not have to win a title to win the cash! NO PHOTOGENICS NEEDED. NO ATTIRE OR MODELING SCORE! Win titles based on you, not on your photos**
We will have Beauty, Back To School Wear, And Outfit Of Choice (No pro-am please)

Your scores for beauty and all optionals will be 75% Facial Beauty and 25% Personality. Your child can wear their attire or makeup in whatever they feel the most confident in.

We give our queens, supremes and overalls beautiful embroidered sashes, trophies and large crowns, even at our preliminaries.

First 5 Entries In Get $20 Off their Supreme Package!*
8 Supreme Titles! 7 Queen Titles To Be Given Away!

Earlybird Ends On Sept. 1st
Email us at smppageants@aol.com for an application

-Email us to get on the vendor's list!
Vendors attending:
Glitz & Ritz Photography: pageantqueen@mail.com
Teresa Mallouky:lilloukydesigns@aol.com

Sheryl Callahan: cassiespageantmom@yahoo.com
Amber Miller: dwinecoff1@carolina.rr.com

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