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Date Posted: 09:25:47 12/23/02 Mon
Author: Farhan
Author Host/IP:
Subject: :\ Puzzled
In reply to: fate & destiny 's message, ".hawk.scout." on 01:43:00 06/26/02 Wed

As Farhan skips through the realm with the Eternal Lamp grasped between his teeth, he looks up sudenly as a hawk cries out. Sure enough, there above a hawk circles, spiraling down. He examines Farhan from every angle, even pressing his head right up against Farhan's to look him in the eye. Shooting off again, it circles ahead, calling what is unmistakably a battle cry. Farhan narrows his eyes. The hawk comes down in a dive at him, shrieking. He dodges, and then rears, striking out at the bird, whi swoops out of reach. Above, he taunts Farhan as would a crow. Farhan, being annoyingly cheerful, is unaffected by this. Putting down the Eternal Lamp someplace out of the way, he shifts into a fighting stance, waiting...waiting. The hawk attacks. He rises to meet it, forelimbs striking at the air, teeth just missing a tailfeather as the hawk rises into the air again.

So the fight continues for some time, until the hawk bows its head in an unmistakeable gesture of surrender. It speaks directly into his mind: *You have proven yourself worthy. I will assist you in your journey.*

Somewhat surprised, Farhan responds [telepathically, like the hawk], *Who are you?*

*My name is not one you could pronounce. You may call me Zaevibri.* The hawk settles onto Farhan's shoulder. *Let's go now, shall we?*

Farhan cocks his head in a gesture much akin to a shrug, and turns towards the portal, moving through it to return to the outside world.

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