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Date Posted: 20:24:43 01/10/03 Fri
Author: Py And Mercury
Author Host/IP: cache-ntc-af02.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: ~Planed Of A Different World *
In reply to: COMET 's message, "~* bEHIND THE shADOW OF THE sUN" on 18:04:19 01/10/03 Fri

Swings her banner, letting it fall over DS's short fuzzy back. Well Ima growneded up now. So maybe we should try it. Pushes her mug into Mercurys cheek wiggling her lips. Then answers DS's question even if it wasn't directed a her. That DS is your Auntie Copal's mommy. And ya I agree she is OLD huh? Thros both of the other adults a 'try and stop me' look. Not exacally setting a very good example for the babies at the moment. If one had thought her crazy befor, they had not seen her around them.

Stares at his mom with a silly look pon his pate. Then colapeses intohis sister giggling. Pushes her into their sires limbs, then tumbles to the ground. His mom was funniy. But who was Dust, and this gem, and Auntie Copal? So many questions, to much laughing.
Dad who is Auntie Copal, and Val, an Dust, and why are we here?!
Young voice is bearly heard through his hysteria.

ooc... sorry Dakota I kinda forgot 2 do this, but Copal had to leave (Amazon matterz), Devi being rebellious followed her, then not wanting to be left out Reef followed his sister. I ment 2 do that befor left but didnt ge to it, then when I came back I forgot I didn't do it

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